






  • 如何处理不诚实的顾客(6点45在未经审查的版本)
  • 为什么你需要网络(20:45在未经审查的版本)
  • 如何处理客户服务在数字时代(32:40未版)
  • 爱你的仇敌的重要性(36:30未版)





















杰伊·贝尔,社交媒体和客户服务专家,思想领袖,主讲人播客和纽约时报畅销五本书的作者,包括拥抱你的仇敌,这是一本关于客户服务在21世纪,这使得在商界触及2016年书店。188金宝搏欢迎您在这次采访中,周杰伦股票个人创业之旅,他的教训成为最具影响力的营销人员和客户服务专家之一。您将学习如何创建自己的创业之路就像周杰伦,结合影响者和解除守门铺平了道路。你会学习一些最好的技术,超前思维公司正在使用为21世纪改进客户服务。118金博宝所有这些和更多的出现在powderkeg点燃创业,我们每周分享创新的数不清的故事,领导和技术超越硅谷。这是一个伟大的方式听powderkeg上下班,在健身房,或当你需要快速的灵感。我只为你献上三个字在iTunes订阅。是的,我们在iTunes商店。你可以通过搜索找到我们粉的火药桶,桶一个词,或者您可以简单地去火药桶。有限公司/ itunes,会直接带你到我们所有的情节与我们的惊人的客人。这集powderkeg由开发人员,开发人员小镇已经帮助超过200企业从创业到财富100强企业领导人推出新产品和正确的方法。118金博宝 So what’s the right approach? Here’s developer town partner and senior designer Darren Shapoorji. To explain, a lot of


开发城镇不是典型的开发。他们认真提供工具和数码产品策略,企业和企业家需要建立这些数码产品。118金博宝他们通过客户验证您的产品策略研究、快速原型和测试。他们设计和开发快速迭代通过保持用户在你的策略的中心。他们帮助您启动的疯狂粉丝和付费客户相信你的产品。学习更多在开发者town.com/powderkeg www点。这是开发者town.com/powderkeg www点。更多的信息,开发人员,开始。我们开始powderkeg耳朵。今天的客人不是别人杰伊·贝尔是一个连续创业者,纽约时报畅销作家,和一个令人难以置信的主讲人,天使投资者,所以那么多。 But Jay is probably best known for founding convinced and convert, which is the conversion rate optimization or CRO blog turned now into a consulting firm focusing on social media marketing and customer service. He and his team work with some of the best brands in the world including Adidas, Allstate, Cisco, Oracle, and even the United Nations. Meanwhile, the convincing convert blog continues to be ranked among the very best content marketing blogs on the web. And their Social Pros podcast has been named one of the best podcasts for entrepreneurs in 2017. Just last year, Jay published his fifth book, Hug Your Haters. It’s all about how critical it is to listen to your feedback from customers, especially the ones who hate you or maybe have a little bit of a problem with you. This is the first modern book on customer service and it is essential reading for anyone who cares about their business. If you’d like to see what Jay is up to these days, definitely jump over to his print is no website at Jay baer.com. And that’s J J A Y. Bear be a e r.com. Or you can follow him on Twitter at Jay Baer. I recorded this conversation with Jay in his offices in beautiful Bloomington, Indiana. Now, this is actually one of my favorite places in the world because it’s where I went to college at Indiana University or Kelley School of Business. And I recorded this conversation at a very interesting time, just before Hug Your Haters hit the shelves at bookstores. So all the research and case studies were fresh in Jays mind. And it was the perfect opportunity to take a step back and look at the incredible entrepreneurial journey that got Jay to where he is today. In this conversation, we talk about all kinds of things from Jay start in Phoenix, Arizona, all the way to coming to Indiana. What brought him here, in this conversation, you’ll learn how to handle all kinds of customers, but particularly how to handle your disgruntled customers, and how you can leverage that into real business value. You’re also going to learn about why your business network is the most important asset you could possibly acquire and how you can develop your own world class network just like Jay. I like that we get to talk about how to approach customer service in the digital age. But I love that we get into some of the psychology behind customer service, and ultimately dive into why it’s so important to learn to love. Yes, love your haters. Jay is an amazing storyteller. So you’re in for a treat. Please enjoy this interview with Jay Baer. Jay, I want to talk about all the things that you’re up to these days. But first, I would love to talk about sort of the history of where you got your entire entrepreneurial Mojo, your your business sense, some of the things that were inflection points along the way. But first, let’s talk about where we are. Where are we right now?



你能谈谈吗?是的,我是一个喜欢这种风格很长一段时间。我和我的妻子是加拿大第一民族艺术。所以,加拿大的原住民艺术,如果你愿意。这是来自太平洋西北沿岸。所以温哥华、维多利亚,温哥华岛区域,那里有六到八个不同的部落。和他们都不同风格的艺术,但是经常刻在雪松,几乎所有的艺术世界这一地区的形象。所以他们都是不同的动物。这里我们有,我们有一个海狸,我们有一个臭鼬。我们有鳟鱼,一只乌鸦,它是最著名的动物之一的那种艺术的集合。 There’s an Orca. And each of these animals have different legends for those peoples and, and each of those animals have different kind of spirits and talents. And they use these animals to tell stories. And it’s almost like their Bible. So where we would turn to a Bible passage and learn something from it. They’ll say, Well, let me tell you the story about the beaver. And that’s a story for their kids and their culture. And I just really liked the style of the art. It’s very, very colorful, and, and linear. And I just liked the message in the story too.


好,在讲故事方面,也是,我被任命为在高中最有可能是一个游戏节目主持人。好的,我已经几乎达到了这一目标。所以我来自然,我猜。你知道,创业的是总是在我周围,我的我的家人拥有一个像1870年代以来家具店在内布拉斯加州。我伟大的,伟大的,伟大的,伟大的祖父和伟大的,伟大的,伟大的,每个人都有自我雇佣,喜欢我的整个人生。我和我的爸爸,我们是内布拉斯加州只有一岁。但他去亚利桑那州的航班上,这种类型的房地产交易。嘿,内布拉斯加州的冬天,这里糟透了,飞在亚利桑那州免费,我们将向您展示一些土地。他说,我不在乎。我去。 And he was a financial planner at the time working in an insurance company. He’s like, 23, he’s like, I’ll go. And so he’s in the airport in Phoenix and meets a guy who says, Where are you going to my dad says like have a suit. Now for those of you listening? Lake Havasu is now America’s home of the London Bridge and a famous Spring Break destination right on the border of California and Arizona. But at that point, there was like 500 people there. Oh, wow. So my dad because I’m gonna like have a pseudo look on some land and the guys like, like have a suit, man. I’ve always been thinking about putting a restaurant there. This guy happened to own a very famous Steakhouse in Phoenix, like, I want to put a restaurant like how do you want to run that? My dad’s like, well, I’ve never worked in a restaurant. I don’t care. I like you. You’re a good guy. So my dad’s like, Oh, sure. So my dad comes home like two days later, I’m an infant. My mom’s a school teacher. In my dad says, Hey, we’re gonna move to Arizona, and I’m gonna open a restaurant, you know? And it’s like,


只有一年。所以我的车我的谈判能力是有限的。确定。我不认为我的妈妈是完全。但是我认为这是其中之一。嗯,我们在一起。所以。所以,我们搬了出去。他开了一家餐厅,它是成功的。然后他开始第一个冰公司,制冰。 And this Lake Havasu for those of you don’t know, is literally the hottest city in the US the highest average temperature of any city in the US. And so only an ice company is good gigs. I did that. And so my dad’s always had sort of the entrepreneurial bug. And that kind of wore off on me a little bit, I think, did you work for your dad?

我不知道我总是太年轻了。我没有我爸爸从来都没真正拥有一份真正的工作。他们得到了我父母离婚比他年轻的时候搬回内布拉斯加州。但当我小的时候,我爸爸在牛排馆,我的工作和我就像七。我的工作是男人点唱机。所以他会给我一卷季度,好吧,不管你想玩什么,这是你的演出。只是不要让音乐停止。这是我的工作。所以我知道那么多,比我应该70年代早期摇滚,因为那是我的这是我的演出。我认为这可能得到我的道路是在广播和播客。 I started the radio station at the University of Arizona, and now do lots of lots of podcasting. So maybe maybe that long ago, jukebox was was impetus for all that early appreciation for audio. Yes, for Helen Reddy and a lot of other like weird. You know, Olivia Newton John and Donnie Marie Osmond. Like a lot of things that are well before your time



嗯,我从来没有真的我从来没有真的有任何显著的位置。但我但我肯定是在零售业工作,当我年轻的时候,特别是在高中很多。和我,我有一个情况,谈到我的新书中,一个男生我是我是一个男孩。所以我做的一件事是人,回报的桌子和一个男人进来,他的内衣,他想返回。这个内衣并不新鲜。这内衣穿,而不仅仅是一次这已经很多次了。沃伦说,是的,我想回来,我就得问你怎么知道它被穿吗?这都是伸出。像如果你知道,他就像,你知道,你可以告诉它不是这样的不是迅速好转,正确的。我的意思是,松紧带都喜欢时髦的。我说,他喜欢,我想回来。 I’m like, Okay, well, what’s wrong with it? It’s the wrong size. I’m like, Okay, well before or after, he weren’t a few times. So I’m like, okay, hold on. I gotta, I gotta ask about this. I go to my boss, whose name was and I swear, this is true. Mr. Big, which is the best name for a manager is asking for a manager ever. Like everybody’s boss should be named Mr. Big. Yeah. So Mike, hey, Mr. Big. This guy’s at the front, and he wants to return some underwear and the underwear is used. And so I suspect that the answer to that is no. It’s like, no, actually, our policy is we’ll we’ll take anything, no questions asked. And even in a weird circumstance like this, and I didn’t really understand that, like, I couldn’t like white. Like, really? That’s our policy. That seems so silly. And I couldn’t I couldn’t figure it out. But what is interesting about that, is that, you know, Mr. Big and the company figured hate to the price of doing business, right? That that yes, some of your customers suck. And some of your customers sucked then which is 30 years ago, and some of your customers will suck 30 years from now, what changes is technology, right? What changes is is consumer behavior and how customers interact with businesses, but the core sort of whether your customers are honest or not, right? That doesn’t change and the ratio doesn’t change and and the reason I think that’s an important story to tell is that what I find today is a lot of businesses are really frustrated by customer service and the disruption that Tech’s not like technology has caused. So yeah, lots of businesses law, including businesses owned by really good friends of mine, who purposefully willfully and strategically do not answer complaints on Facebook. Do not answer complaints on Yelp do not answer complaints on TripAdvisor do not answer complaints on Angie’s List. It’s not accidental it’s a perfect they just don’t that’s our plan. We don’t answer. And to me, that’s crazy. And I asked them about that like, well, we you know, those guys at Yelp suck and that’s totally BS. And I’m like, why are you billing aiming the messenger, right Mr. Big didn’t blame the car and say, Well, if it wasn’t for these cars, enabling these customers to come back in return underwear, it wouldn’t have these problems, right? So your customers morality remains static only thing that changes is technology?


当我上高中时,我做了很多写作。这让我的新闻。我是学校报纸编辑几次。这是一个很好的高中报纸。我们去很多很多的奖项。我做了很多的写作。然后我工作的城市报纸写高中运动。所以我高中体育专栏作家,这是了不起的,对吧?因为没有人真正知道会发生什么在高中时的游戏。像,你知道,足球,是的,但是还有其他的吗? No, nobody goes to high school baseball, nobody goes to high school, swimming or volleyball. So I would just go get the score bug from the coaches, and any of my friends that played the game like they were the star of the game regardless, so I’d be like, you know, the Friday nights, last six to three, but Alberta had a key walk in the ninth inning. Right. You know, I’m I’m sort of like trying to try to craft the story. So my friends get all the angst. So that’s good times. So I did that. And then that’s making it Yeah, absolutely. So that led me to go into school for journalism at the University of Arizona. And once I was there, I realized that I was kind of actually burnt out on it. And so I got involved in politics, I had a class first class, for the first class I ever had in college was honors political science, actually, where I met my wife, no first day of college first class. That’s pretty great luck. I knew right away, she definitely did not did not know right away, took her quite a while to come around. And so I had an amazing, amazing professor who’s now a professor at University of Virginia. And we did a whole unit on political consultant and kind of political campaigns. And I was just fascinated by it by the whole concept of marketing and individual. And I ended up switching my major to poli sci and got an internship for a very, very prominent political consultancy in Phoenix and and launched a career in politics. So for the first few years of my career, I was a political consultant ran campaigns ran races for Governor for Senate for statewide initiative for President did all kinds of things like that. And eventually kind of got out of that and into more traditional marketing to


是什么有趣的是,那位教授是民意。所以他是一个教授,但是他身边演出和他的妻子作为一个政治民意。所以他是我的导师之一。和它的领我进业务。我真的很喜欢,可以解释什么是民意。的人做调查,所以它实际上做民意调查,,当然,在许多方面是政治的命脉。所以后来我意识到,像很长一段时间之后,这就是为什么我最终进入数字营销,因为力学是一些政治的伟大之处在于,你要么赢,或者你输了,就像,你知道,在选举后的第二天,就像你当选或你不当选,没有,没有问题。所以我在传统营销之后一段时间我在政治,我不喜欢它,因为,呃,好吧,我们跑了一些广告,我不知道,我们卖一些东西吗?我不知道。也许我们做的。 But was that from print or radio? I don’t really know. And then digital came around. And I was super early on that I can tell you that story. And I loved it. Because it was so measurable. Like, oh, I know whether somebody clicked I know whether somebody opened this email. I know, I have a conversion funnel. Like there’s math there that I can understand that I can test and I can optimize. And so to me, online marketing is is very similar to politics. And that’s why I ended up there.






政治的问题当时它不再是真实的,如果你不工作在一个活动,活动结束后,你像一年没有任何关系。所以你真的只能每隔一年举行选举。现在,你总是因为政治的工作方式运行。但当时,小年,你通常不得不是一个说客。我不喜欢游说,因为没有结局,你喜欢,好吧,我相信一些人,无论如何,我只是不喜欢它。所以。也是当你当你喜欢,认真在竞选中业务呢?这是一个艰难的演出。是的,这是一个艰难的演出。这不是一个好的家庭演出。 Because during the high season, I mean, you’re you’re seriously doing, you know, you’re doing 18 hour days, like, all the time, and it’s really rough. And I’m like, Yeah, this is, I can’t see myself doing this for 25 years, it’s tough. So I got into more traditional marketing, look, if I can get somebody elected, I can sell soup, or whatever. So I ended up working for about four years as a marketing director for waste management, the big environmental services guy. So I can tell you, Matt, so much about landfill design and enterprise recycling programs. So I did that for a while I really liked it. And I left there, and ended up as the spokesperson for the Arizona Department of Juvenile Corrections, where my job was primarily to give tours of juvenile prison, which is not even as good as I just made it sound in the previous sentence. No kidding. Just fun times, what


嗯,那是这是反过来的。所以我喜欢我的废物管理工作很多,然后我的老板得到晋升。因此,新进来的家伙是个白痴,如果他们真的不好。我年幼无知,我说,我不能为这个人工作。我不干了。然后我将接受任何工作。我最后的一位发言人监狱。当然,我辞职了,因为我的家伙被炒鱿鱼了30天。是的,所以我学到了很重要的一课关于关于耐心,嘿,你知道,让事情找到自己的水平。你不需要,你知道,膝反射和反动。 So, I was I worked for the government for four months. That was, that was the extent of my and I still get like pension checks for like one penny. And so I decided to take my leave after they put me in charge, like how you did a great job here, Jay. We’re gonna put you in charge of the we’re going to rebrand the Juvenile Corrections Department. First, we’re gonna start with business cards. We’ve got a committee a 13 person committee, you can be in charge of it. I’m like, if it takes us 13 People to redesign the business cards. This is probably not the entrepreneurial culture for me. So at the same time, some friends of mine had started the very first internet company in Arizona, this is 1993. Wow. And I had met them at school, and we were having beers as one does. And they said, hey, you know, this internet company that we started is starting to get kind of busy. And we don’t know anything about marketing. And I said, Well, that’s good. Because when you say the word internet, I don’t know what that word means. And I really didn’t. You know, at that point, it was basically AOL. Right? That was it. But I’m like, Look, I’ll do anything to not give another tour of this prison and to not run this business card committee. So I walked in the next day and quit and started as the Vice President of Marketing for an internet company having essentially never been online, which is a very interesting first day of work. You’re like, Whoa, this is crazy. Yeah, I bet it was like drinking from a firehose. Absolutely. And it turned out my partner in that business, my buddy from school, invented web hosting. So before he invented this, it used to be back in the day, that if you wanted a website, you had to have a server, it was one domain to one box. So you could only run one domain name on an actual, an actual piece of hardware, one server. So he invented the partitioning algorithm that would allow you to run multiple domains on a single box, which of course begat everything that we have now, Rackspace, GoDaddy, you know, whatever, no WordPress, in but for a while, we were the only ones in the world who could do virtual hosting. And so we went from a handful of customers mostly dial up like, you know, that thing. Yeah, in Phoenix to about 1200 hosting customers in 23 countries. Oh, my God, that happened in like, 60 days, you know, it was insane. You know, like all the apocryphal stories, sleeping on the floor to make sure the servers don’t melt down, like all of that happened. We did all those things, right, kind of hyper growth. And did you get were you guys able to patent that or So anyway, we were able to protect it a little bit, but not in and it was it the technology moves so fast? Yeah. No, it was really tough. And so we made all kinds of classic mistakes. I was the senior partner at 23. You know, so we were we just did a lot of bad things. And so I ended up leaving to start another internet company. And we sold that business ultimately to mind spring, which eventually became Earthlink. Back in the day, so


所以这只是太多的怨恨太多像内部朋友怨恨。你知道,这只是没有选择你的合作伙伴。是的。你知道,当你成长,我们只是不知道我们在做什么。第一,你知道,我们需要一个成长,我们试图让它长大了,我们不能让它足够快的长大,然后它就融化了。然后同时,我有一个很好的机会。我是总统的广告两个,年轻专业人士广告俱乐部在亚利桑那州。我遇到了很多人,演出。我开始聘请了家族的一个媒体集团的互联网公司,它有三个电视台,三个广播电台,杂志。他们就像,我们有电视,收音机,我们的互联网上有杂志我们需要。 Can you can you get us some internet? And I was like, Yeah, I can get you some internet. So they poached me away from my partners and set me up with a sweet gig, sweet salary. And so I come in the first day, and I’m like, Okay, what’s the plan? Like? Well, you’re supposed to tell us the plan. I’m like, Oh, so you really have no, you’re just like, when you said get us some internet. That was literally what you meant. I’m like, okay, so they give me a desk and an office and a notepad and like, figure it out. So we use cool. Yeah, well, Sonam is cool. Yeah, it was. And so we we got into the the dial up business, did a partnership with, which was then quest, and then built a large local website. So what like indie star.com, like that kind of a thing, but powered by the TV stations. And at one point, we became the second largest TV station based website in the US. And we got into web design and did all kinds of other stuff. That was crazy, I want


马特甚至我的意思是,甚至在这之前,我的意思是,就像我,我的祖父,我爸爸真的让我扎成的概念,对吧?他们参与每一个俱乐部和组织,你知道,,,你知道,在所有扶轮吉瓦尼斯俱乐部和手势,和,然后这个,。所以他们教我喜欢,看,你知道,如果你想改变,你必须参与,对吧?你知道,部分问题或解决方案的一部分。从很小的时候,它甚至不是一个谈话但这只是它是如何工作的。你知道,我总是,我一直是一个木工,像,我总是,你知道,喜欢给身边的人,组织和工作在一起的事。所以,当我在高中的时候,我是我参与了,我不知道,像,像一个打15俱乐部是疯狂的。我认为这是太棒了。我妈妈的朋友仍然是一个指导顾问。和她说,我仍然把所有时间记录,所有时间记录对大多数人来说,大部分要点高中简历,任何人的曾在那所学校。 So my kids now I’ve high school students now at home, and they’re always bitching about how busy they are. I’m like, you’ve got no idea what you’re talking about. Like you wouldn’t know busy if it walked into your room and laid on your bed when I got out of college. And I was super busy in college, too. I ran the Student Activities Council and planned all the concerts and ran the radio station, all this other stuff. And so when I got out, and same thing, I’m like, okay, join a bunch of stuff. So add to was a great place for me, I started my own club, called version 27. For tech entrepreneurs way back in the day, and like, there isn’t a club for this, I’m going to start one, you know everything about that, right. And it was called version 27. Because we held meetings on the 27th floor of that downtown office building. And so I just always have done that, I always feel like, you’re going to meet a lot of people that you like, you’re going to meet a lot of people that you might eventually do business with. And you’re also going to meet all your competition, which is also a good thing to do. Because everybody’s everybody who’s a competitor is a potential collaborator. And I really believe that and so I try to be involved as many things as I can. And I’ve met a lot of people. And I had to, in fact, some of the people I still work with today, my graphic designer, Chris bond sack I met in that club, Christina Pader, who was my editorial assistant on my new book I met in that club, and this is what we’re talking about 25 years ago, right? And we’re still doing business together. How do you decide


是的,我的意思是,那是,你知道,这很有趣,与Facebook现在的方式更容易,因为你知道,你至少有一些想法的人在做什么。其中一些是随机的,有些是人们在同一个行业。其他的人我知道,我的一个好朋友,Trostle院长。他和我一起做很多生意在营销时,但他最终进入汽车销售。所以我买了很多从他的汽车,但我们没有我们你不知道,他不做我做的事。这是不同的。一些人在不同的方向等等。但我试着监视尽可能多的人。因为你永远不知道当你需要的时候,你知道,需要的东西,我发现,当我长大后,我想与我一起工作的人在过去,因为我不需要解释什么。好像他们已经知道我想要的。 They already know how I work. We already have a shared history, but most importantly, I trust them because they’ve delivered the goods in the past and we have a relationship. That’s not to say that I won’t work with new people. I do it every day. I mean we run good As posts every day from people I’ve never heard of, but but when the chips are down, right, like, I don’t care what it costs, I want to work with people that I already trust, right? It just, you know, it reduces risk. And I’m moving so fast all the time that that reducing risk is more important than cash flow and more important a lot of things as you


所以我,我有一个公司在亚利桑那州,我开始在2000年,强大的互动,这是一个数字。和在线营销公司,跑几年,卖给传统的广告公司,在那里工作几年earnout。然后我earnout起来,我的计划是不做任何。2007年左右,所以我的计划是去教一群不同大学演出排队,人们想让我做的,我要的做专业的交易。但在这一点上,我们同时崩溃的股市,房地产市场是房地产一堆钱,因为在亚利桑那州,这就是一个。所以突然想,噢,我不再有现金去这样做。我要回来的马和骑马。所以我开始令人信服的转换。这家公司的原因是叫马特说服和转换,甚至知道是否有人知道这一点,这可能是一个世界首演。很多是我最初的前提是我要做转化率优化,我做了很多转化率测试、优化、多元AB,很多东西和我以前的演出。 And so that’s why it’s called Convince and Convert, because it was going to be all about conversion, didn’t know that. I realized, though, I started a blog and never blogged before, I wrote a lot of business magazine content. And for blogging, like, I’ll start a blog on this one. So I started writing blog posts every day. And so I’d write about email, and I read about conversion rate, and everyone’s mind read about social media. And I realized with a very simple analytics, examination that every time I wrote about social media, I got like, 800% more traffic, than when I wrote about anything else. I said, this business is no longer about conversion rate optimisation. This business is about social media. Yeah. And so I ended up picking up some great clients, primarily in agencies, my original thrust for this business was helping agencies kind of make the digital transformation and understand how social media works. We still do some of that work. But over the last eight years, now, my team and I, and there’s about a dozen of us that are sort of primary collaborators that can MIT to convert me, we’re working with the best brands in the world. We’re working with United Nations and Adidas and Allstate and Cisco and Oracle, it’s, it’s remarkable what what we’ve been able to do. But you said it, it’s not me. It’s them. Like it’s really not, it’s not J, it’s a whole team. And one of the things that’s been challenging, and we’ve worked really hard on it, is to set it up. So that Convince and Convert has an identity, right? Because if people think it’s J’s company or J’s blog, or J’s podcast, then if it’s not me, then they’re like, well, where’s J, you know, and so it takes years, like literally years to to change that, that thinking so that people realize, oh, it’s not just him. There’s a whole crew there. But that’s one of the reasons the most important reason that I didn’t call this company, Jay Baer, and associates or something, because then you totally boxed yourself in a corner.

是的。这是真的。我知道很多其他的企业家有过这样的。我的意思是,它是,你可以看到它在案例研究案例研究案例研究之后,就在营销科技世界,一想到是SEO Moz,或者,你知道,现在Moz,最初是兰德的博客。是的。然后转换成咨询,然后一个软件公司。我想象得一样困难




好吧,好吧,什么是伟大的在那些日子里,对的,是它对我来说,我已经通过很多次了。因为在93年我的第一个职业在互联网,我们在研究互联网直接,好吧,你不认为你需要一个网站?但是你做的事情。这是为什么。让我告诉你,你的客户是在线。然后它很好,你不认为你需要一个电子邮件时事通讯?但是你做的事情。这是为什么。因为你的竞争对手正在做它,你的客户想要它。正确的。 So, you know, by the time we get you, you don’t think you need paid search. But you do. And here’s why. Right? So by the time I get to social media, you don’t think you need social media, you don’t think your clients need social media, but you do. And here’s why. Because their customers already talking about them. I’d already already run that game, like four times, yeah, five times, right. So I already knew it was basically search and replace, right Search and Replace paid search for social media, same story. But what was great back then is that you could actually blow people’s minds, you just get some simple, you know, social listening software, radiant six or whatever back then. And you just type in the name of the brand, and then turn the laptop around. Yeah. And people like, Oh, my God, there’s this much conversation out there on the on the interwebs. About Us on this, what’s this platter, you know? And so, it was, you know, it was so easy to prove the point, because you just said, Well, look, you know, this is actually happening, I’m making this up, this is a real thing. And so that part is always fascinating to shock people into realizing that, oh, I’m behind. So once you


我在之前的公司我学到什么,是被透明不知道所有的答案,是令人难以置信的强大和专业的服务。而且几乎没有人呢。因为通常专业服务,你的方法和我知道一切,我是《绿野仙踪》,你需要支付我告诉你的秘密,我总是相反的。我的杀手线随时偷这是我不知道答案。我不知道将会为你的公司工作。但我知道如何找到答案。和人民爱,因为他们意识到,我不是你知道的,这不是这不是魔术豆,对吧?这不是黑盒,像我们要,我们要一起去通过一个方法。你会知道每一美元。你会知道每一美元的收益。 And at the end of that process together, we’re going to identify a recipe that I guarantee will work for your business. Tada.




服务已经中断以同样的方式,营销已经中断。但我们不谈论它了。每个人都认为他们擅长客户服务,但他们没有。事实上,Forrester的研究说,80%的企业说他们提供优良的客户服务8%的客户同意。所以我们有这个巨大的问题,每个人都认为他们擅长,除了你的客户的意见计数。现在这正在发生中断。这么多的现在公司不得不面对的是公118金博宝众的方式,这不是正确的,无论是社会媒体投诉,讨论,委员会投诉,评论网站投诉,和大多数企业仍考虑客户服务私下里,他们正在考虑电话和电子邮件。我们不得不开始在地上与与客户互动,顾客喜欢什么越来越数字化和公众,而不是坚持处理客户在地上,企业愿意,这是私人的电子邮件和电话。所以很多不同的案例研究,在书中例子,小企业,大企业,我们全球,b2b, b2c的展示客户服务是一种新的营销,它看起来是可以区分你的东西,因为,你的竞争对手,如果他们聪明,意志,如果他们很聪明,他们会偷东西。他们会偷你的产品,他们会借你的网站,复制,他们会复制你的贸易展摊位,他们会挖走你最好的客户或追求你最好的员工,你知道,他们会做所有这些事情。 But the one thing they can’t take from you, the one thing that is yours and yours alone, the one thing that they cannot grab, is if you genuinely and truly care more about your customers than they do. If you are willing to hold on to your customers in ways that your competition simply is not if you’re willing to invest in customer service and customer experience at a level that they aren’t. That is a differentiator that is the defining factor that will set you apart. And businesses are starting to understand this right. If I if I asked you, Matt, who’s really great at customer service, you can come up with a couple of names everybody listening can and that’s the problem. Yeah, right. The fact that you can come up with somebody who’s good at customer service tells me that it’s rare, so rare that it’s memorable to you. My vision it’ll probably never happen. my vision, my hope is that after people read this book, Hug Your Haters that we get to the point a year or two down the road when I say who’s great at customer service, and you can’t come up with an answer, because so many companies are good at it. Nobody is exceptional.


我不相信有任何所谓的坏客户,对吧?我认为所有的客户是好客户。现在不是并不是每一个客户是正确的,当然。但是每一位客户值得听。在公共场合,尤其是当顾客抱怨,因为它是一个吸引大量观众的体育运动。喜欢,是的,你想让对方开心的事。,理想情况下,你想抓住他们的业务。但是你必须意识到,当那个人让你爆炸,然后你忽略他们,这些人看到和缺乏响应响应。这个回应说,我们不关心你。我们不关心我们的客户。 So yeah, mathematically, it makes sense to say, okay, fire, you’re 20% of your worst customers. But But when everybody else sees you do that, what do they think about your business? Right? Nobody ever talks about that side of the equation, right?


哦,是的,我做的。我做的事。不过,我要告诉你一个交会。我喜欢这本书的一件事,也就是它是根植于研究,对吧?所以这不是一样,嘿,我有个主意你应该这样做,因为我这样说。这本书是我与爱迪生进行充分的研究,这是一个最大的和最受人尊敬的态度收集公司在美国。118金博宝在这本书里的一切都是基于实际的研究真正的消费者。这不是典型的客户服务的书,说,你知道,别点,要有礼貌,对吗?我的意思是,这是真实的数据业务需求如何现在采取行动,我们在这里谈话。这是第一个现代书客户服务。 And I think that’s why it’s doing really well. I think my favorite example from the book is from Lavon quotidienne. And they’re a chain of bakery cafes are based in Brussels. They have locations in Southern California, and also the Northeast. But mostly in Europe, and and there’s 220 of them, I guess, something like that locations, and their director of customer experience this woman, Erin pepper, she started with them, like two years ago, maybe. And so when she started, she says my goal, as the director of customer experience, is to triple the number of complaints, triple the number of complaints, think about that. Right? So why is that? Normally you would say want fewer complaints, she wants to triple the number of complaints. And here’s why, Matt, because the most overrated thing in business, the most overrated thing, but in frankly, the most overrated thing in life is praise. Every time somebody says Matt, you’re so good at this, Matt, you’re so good at that. It feels amazing. But it teaches you nothing, because you already know what you’re good at. You always already know. What teaches you something is negative feedback and criticism. Criticism is the petri dish for improvement. Erin understands that she wants every customer who has anything less than a 100% perfect experience to let her know. Because if she doesn’t know she can’t fix it. And that’s why I say quite literally that haters. complainers are your most important customers. Right? They tell you everything you need to know to get better, but yet we treat them like our least important customers. We haven’t backwards.


我认为她每天的事情,这太棒了。这是一个你应该钢。所以随时有人在评论网站的负面反馈,餐馆,他们得到很多评论像Yelp和TripAdvisor Urbanspoon,这种交易所以如果有人有一个或两个明星评论她的答案他们在公共场合你应该每次回答大家。她说非常抱歉不,不,我们要确保我们把这个考虑过让店经理知道通常的客户服务策略。很好,完美。但这是她接下来的举动。很值得注意的,所以她通常等待几个小时,然后在很多情况下她会再次回答,不过这次私下使用你知道,所有这些网站的私人信息功能。她说你知道的,我离开你的信息一分钟前但我一直在想,你是一个特别敏感的客户,你看到别人的事情人们只是没有看到你有一个礼物。我想做的与你的允许,我想送你两个礼物卡一个月。这些礼品卡,我想让你访问不同的法律在平凡的位置。 And upon the conclusion of your visit likely to click this link and fill out this very detailed survey of your experiences, because you notice things that people simply don’t notice. Your feedback can make us the best bakery cafe chain in the world. Will you do that for me? And it totally works. She has more than 150 Now, of these secret shoppers, working for her all the time filling out these super detailed experiences. She turned hate into help. And the total cost of that program, some gift cards. Yeah, total cost is remarkable. Like everybody should do that. Like, like do it in every business. Right? So you just tell us exactly what I mean. Tell me, it will 100% What was your experience with this, with this verge? And I will send you a gift card to upland, right, just, you know, tell me everything. That kind of solicitation of detailed feedback is, is really priceless.







嗨,马特,这里。这就是今天的集powderkeg。点燃创业。感谢你的倾听。请确保你遵循杰伊·杰伊·贝尔在推特上,和杰看看他的个人网站baer.com。杰伊·贝尔,拼写J y baer.com。并确保如果你还没有抓住他的书的副本,拥抱你的仇敌,你会很高兴你做到了。如果你还没有一个副本,你想让我送你一本,只是下降的评论在这节课中,显示笔记页和推特杰贝尔说感谢。你当然可以找到那些显示notes@powderkeg。公司就在那里找到杰贝尔集。我将选择三个随机的评论。 And we’ll send you a copy of Jays book, Hug Your Haters absolutely free. So check out the show notes page at powderkeg dot CEO. Drop a comment there. Again, make sure you tweet at Jay. Let them know what you appreciated about this episode or asking if you have any follow up questions. And I will see you in the next episode. Just a little reminder, powderkeg is presented by verge which is a network of local communities with global reach for tech entrepreneurs, investors and top talent growing companies beyond Silicon Valley, we have a ton of free resources for starting and growing your business at our website, which is just verge hq.com. We also host several events every month around the country. So check us out see where we’re gonna be maybe we can link up in person would love to see you meet you have a conversation. And again, you can find all that information on our website at verge hq.com. And of course, you can always find me Matt Hunckler on Twitter, and I’m just at Hunckler. I appreciate the follow. I appreciate the conversation and all of the ideas that we’ve been sharing back and forth over the last several weeks since launching the podcast. Thanks to all of our powderkeg errs out there who already left us a review on iTunes. Just a little reminder that you can leave us your honest review on iTunes by going to this link powderkeg.co/itunes. Give us a subscribe while you’re at it and we’ll be forever indebted to you. It’s your reviews. It’s your subscriptions and your feedback to help us get better and reach more people to help them grow and scale their companies beyond Silicon Valley. And again, that link is powderkeg.co/itunes. We’ve got guests like Paul Singh from 500 startups and results junkies who’s traveling all over the country investing in startups. Emerson sparks from dos.com who started his entrepreneurial journey, selling things on muggle net, a website for Harry Potter fans. And then we’ve also got Brian Clark, well known entrepreneur from Copyblogger, all of that coming up soon on powderkeg igniting startups

