




  • 为什么大职业决策通常都归结到你个人的“布线”(5:07)
  • 一种廉价、简单的方法来执行市场调研(数)
  • 创业的六个“价值创造时刻”(十四38)
  • 如何赢得风险投资与您的团队的力量(21:52)
  • 高级社交的技巧你的想法和接收批评(二七34)
  • 为什么纽约是企业家蓬勃发展的自然环境(33:44)







“关闭的门可能会迫使您利用技能在你,你甚至不知道你。”- - -杰夫利文斯

“当你做一个创业公司,没人想接到你的电话。做好准备的人告诉你你的想法糟透了。”- - -杰夫利文斯

“我看我的商业计划是一件艺术品。同样一个音乐家看着一首歌,或艺术家看着画布,我的商业计划是我的画布,当你展示给别人的弱点。”- - -杰夫利文斯

“创业不是一个职业选择。它选择了你。它选择了我,和我做过,是很困难的。”- - -杰夫利文斯





惠普(hewlett - packard)





























欢迎来到Powderkeg点燃创业与杰夫·利文斯23集。他是一个有经验的软件企业家兼首席执行官5 x记录的启动和退出软件公司。118金博宝但是现在他是一个大胆的合资企业合伙人开始投资在纽约市。他也是公司的创始人和活跃CEO rails工作。不用说,这次谈话很有趣。我是你的主人,马特Hunckler。我边缘的创始人兼首席执行官,这是当地社区的网络和全球影响力科技企业家、投资者和顶尖人才。每个客户都有自己的火药桶充满原始的技能和才能,点燃创业,推动增长。这些是他们的故事,你可以找到我在推特上和在Hunckler Instagram。这是胡锦涛NCKLE是,我想要你做的是让我知道火药桶边缘,我可以帮助你和你的创业之旅。 You can also find all of the transcriptions the show notes, all the links to everything we talked about each and every episode, including this one. And of course, you can subscribe to make sure you don’t miss a single thing. This week’s episode of powderkeg is brought to you by developer town. These guys have been friends of ours for years, they’ve helped so many startups take their ideas to market gain traction, and build and grow and meet customer needs. But something you might not know about developer town is that they actually help enterprise companies move like a startup. Corporate innovators often work with developer talent to explore software solutions that support their business needs. And now, the cool thing is developer town leverages all of their years, you’re working with startups, and they can help companies better understand the viability of potential software solutions, apps, products that they’re doing digitally, and quickly bring them to market. Developer towns created this proven sprint to market process so that large enterprises can move like a startup. You can find out more about developer town read up on them at developer town.com/powderkeg. That’s developer town all one word powderkeg. All one word. Again, that’s developer town.com/powderkeg. Developer town, start something. Our guest today is serial entrepreneur, Jeff Leventhal, who has one of the best energies I’ve ever been around. Now, I know that sounds a little bit out there. But he really does have some kind of X Factor. So Jeff is a builder of companies that are market moving businesses. And he has successful exits, including on force spin back and work market. But he currently is the CEO and co founder of work rails, which is a software platform for professional services. But Jeff’s story is so cool, because it’s full of great entrepreneurial knowledge from the trenches. And it’s packaged in these just amazing stories from early childhood wins to some of the most common traps that many entrepreneurs face. Jeff packages it all in really, really great stories. The other cool thing about Jeff is that he’s also an active investor in over 20 startups. So he brings a unique perspective, as someone who wears both the CEO hat, as well as the venture capitalist hat. You’re gonna love this guy. So let’s just get into it. Let’s set this thing off. First of all, welcome









这不是一个决定。这只是间接,是的,胜过一切。但是你知道,当你经历一些东西,这是非常不同于回顾和反思。所以经历它,感觉就像所有正确的基础上自然的事情让我做的东西在我的生命中。所以,这对我来说是一系列明显的选择。我有机会坐下来与最近有人在我的团队。他对我说,嘿,我,我通过大学三个季度,今晚我应该完成它吗?你没有完成吗?杰夫,你成功了吗?我为什么要呢? And, you know, I went through a whole story about wiring and circumstances and timing. And I don’t think that they’re, you know, I think that they’re the right reasons to leave college. And there, there are the wrong reasons, but they’re very personal. And each person needs to really think through for themselves, I knew I was wired in a way that it wasn’t going to change, what I needed to learn to do, what I wanted to do wasn’t going to come to me through a college experience. And so for me, when I was, you know, thinking about my future, when I had the opportunity to get started, or really the requirement to get started, it all felt good. And my advice to this person was, you’ve got to really think about your internal wiring, because you will close a lot of doors by not having college, but you may learn a lot of things about yourself. And closing those doors may force you to leverage skills inside of you that you didn’t even know you had. And it may bring out something inside of you, that’s really special. So you know, go home and really think about your



没有5 +出口,真的令人印象深刻的退出,我不得不做个小调查,之前我们的谈话,祝贺你。这也是巨大的。你怎么决定你要解决什么问题?有很多的问题。是的。我想象你看到很多。你收集这些地方吗?然后呢?如果是这样,你怎么然后决定哪一个或几个去的目的,你的注意力





是的,你知道,我想的你的背景下考虑场景驱动的汽车,对的。所以他们有这辆车,它有几乎没有屋顶,没有窗户,没有汽车,沿着正确的,只是英尺。我看着它,我看以类似的方式构建软件,正确的。就像,你知道,你可以从一个基本的框架来解决问题。但是会有很多东西会添加到框架作为你学习的听客户。然后你可以学习通过倾听客户,所有的细微差别人应该如何显示当他们应该显示出他们为什么应该显示一个人想要得到工作,当他们能做的工作。和听你两倍你说的真的听客户的要求,你可以开发一个产品和解决一个非常,非常大的问题。所以你知道,我相信将有东西很快,得到很多反馈。这并不是我相信客户一定要开你的路线图。但我相信你有听市场要地址和您的解决方案非常,非常小心。 So don’t build too much. Don’t box yourself into a corner, get something out there, get in front of people socialize it, tell you one of the things about that is that I was at a trade show on Wednesday, because I specifically flew out I had this new idea, I wanted to really build an online marketplace for solving work problems. Nobody had ever really applied jobs to a marketplace before this was late 1990s. And so I went out to the PC Expo trade show in Las Vegas. And I said, I gotta go talk to people in the industry and try to understand how they solve these problems. And so I literally went to every single booth while and I and naturally the tradeshow people said, Well, would you do? And so I, I pitched the concept. But what I wanted to do, literally 1000 times over the three days, you know, each booth, I knew I get asked that question, I wanted to just see how the concept would resonate? Well, I have software that helps people show up and fix things. You’re building technology, you ever have to get people in the field to fix things? Well, yeah, we do it well, how do you do it? Right? And so I would say something and they would look at me strangely, and I would know. Okay, let me let me change that a little bit the next time. And so over the course of three days, I actually ended up with a really good framework on how to build this software. And so it was incredible market research 1000 potential customers in one spot that I had to pitch over three days. And actually we were the great business plan




我不记得具体的事情。但这是我所做的。记住,我印名片没有姓名或电话号码,只是一个网址。电脑和网络地址当时repair.com。和有意思的是我一个,我想介绍一下我自己,但你知道,几乎立刻就会忘记你的名字。所以他们的名片,我给他们我的名字。他们就像,他们会说这里没有名字。我想说,是的,只是去的网站,你不需要打电话给我,你知道,去网站。这是客观一点。你知道,我走了,好吧,我要,我要有一个业务叫我的名字,对吧? I can’t just have the website URL, and hope people are going to just go there. And so it’s not lost on me that in selling anything, there’s still a bit of a relationship that matters. To me, even an Amazon, you know, I guess everybody feels like, we know Jeff Bezos a little bit. Right. And you know, there’s a brand behind that big machine.




我没有一个特定的指标,我看看,但是我认为我有一个框架,在你能说我通过了吗?是的,是这个想法,团队,产品,第一天你卖掉它,和现金流,保本,然后退出。好吧?所以每一个价值创造的时刻,这些时刻在业务可能发生。在过去的10年。他们可以发生在过去的两年,有时甚至一年。但当你有一个想法你创造价值也许在自己的脑海中,正确的。但昨天,你没有这个想法。今天你看到这个问题,你有一个想法在如何解决,你知道有一些价值,价值可能不是很多,也许是巨大的价值。但有价值的想法。 And then if you can, actually, and I put team next, but if you can actually convince some other people, this is really good idea, and they shouldn’t give up what they’re doing. There may be a little bit more value to what you’re doing, right. But between that idea, and getting ready to sell somebody else to come along and perform this idea with you, or build this company with you, you’ve created some value that if you can actually convince people to join you, I mean, these people are going to be smart, they’re in the industry potentially, they’re giving up something else in his opportunity cost. So I’m looking at as okay, this guy had an a great idea. And he’s convinced three really smart people to sign up and do this with that person. And then can that team of four people now sit in a room and build a product? Right and so but everything in between these value creation moments is an absolute slugfest?




这是在高中的时候,或者,你知道,高中在我住的附近,有很多有很多有很多新的建筑。所以当你去一个社区,你看到这个新的漂亮的模型,它有所有这些铃铛和口哨和功能当你购买它,没有后方甲板。有不有有很多东西在这个模型你不妨碍你购买。所以所有这些新建筑已经在我在我居住的区域。和我说,这些人需要税。没有人有税收和我你知道,我不知道任何关于甲板的建筑。但问题是,对吗?是的,这些人需要x和我要门到门,我要和销售平台。是的,好主意。所以这是提交给我。 Yeah, lo and behold, somebody, somebody sent you all in fact, yes, we do want to get a deck, can you you can build a ton of like, Absolutely, I can build you want, tell me what you want. I took some notes. You know, we mentioned out their backyard. I then went to the bookstore. And I bought the timeline Home Improvement Series books on how to do these. So you had


一套26卷,我去D去甲板部分,我开始学习如何做到这一点,我必须假定,他们下令木材,它被交付。到目前为止,一切都很好。我跳过一些步骤,如获得许可或被保险人,或合并。但是,我这叫长岛甲板的公司,他们在那里,建立一个甲板上。所以第一天来了,我拉挖掘机,我挖洞的帖子,你知道,我浇注混凝土。这是一个大量的混凝土。很多帖子,我回来第二天,和他们都是弯曲的。在很多具体的,我喜欢,我很兴奋。所以我说,我要把额外的具体我希望这是好的。所以我回来的所有贴子是弯曲的。 And so I’m like, Oh, this is not good. I’m gonna get out of the car and I bought. So I bought the car for 500 bucks. I rode my bike, I sold this car on the side of the road for sale, I rode my bike to the car, I didn’t have a license, I bought the car, I drove it home, I put my bike in the back of the car. My parents have put this in the driveway and I got a car. So I’m sitting in this in this in this station wagon with most of the cards didn’t even work. And I’m looking at him like I this is a problem. And I put the book on my front seat and I’m like, I’m going through them and what did I do wrong and the wife comes out, she like my husband wants to talk to you. She hands me the cordless phone. And he’s like, if you leave now nothing bad will happen. He’s like, it’s clear, you have no idea what you’re doing. Like just leave the wood and just leave the project. And nothing bad will happen. I was like, Alright, I get no problem that your would good luck getting this fix, I’m sorry. And get out of jail free card, but actually figured out what I did wrong until I convinced this guy in my high school. I’m like you don’t understand everybody decks. They’re actually I figured out how to deal with an action not that hard to do. I know what I did wrong. Do this with me.










是的,所以,如果你想筹集资金从风险投资家,1000年代的公司。如果您正在构建一个软件公司,不投一个VC投资于生物技术,对吧?所以确保你知道,公司你投球。实际上投资你的空间。实际上很多人不做作业。你知道,他们认为VC读取的网站。是的,阅读网站,了解合作伙伴。再一次,如果你没有一个清晰,简明的方式获得自己的价值至少1亿,VC可能不是正确的选择。是的,有很多的钱在VC说有很多压力的回报。和有很多的压力,大量资本在业务有一个很好的机会。 But if you can’t really see how this becomes worth 100 plus million dollars, VC may not be the right way to go. But if it is the right way to go, and you think you’ve got a tiger by the tail here, and you can build something big one, make sure you’re pitching somebody that’s gotten knowledge and expertise in your space. Number two, make sure to really articulate the market opportunity that’s in front of you, and how you’re going to actually be able to address that market. Number three, demonstrate how you this is the perfect team to back for this market opportunity. This is if you’re going to back a team, this is the team to back this and why this is a team to back either you’ve learned something special, or you’ve done something before or this team has worked together before. And there’s no team risk, and they’ve got domain expertise. But that VC most likely is looking at a few companies within the same ecosystem. And they’re gonna probably just pick one. And so really, why is this the right team to go figure this out? When you’re looking


所以,你知道,一个,你知道,这些企业家准备通过砖墙嚼?是的,对的。你知道,糖果,这些人真的有什么需要你知道,我看着它在物理环境中,金融和精神力量。像当你公司需要你的电话,当你做一个创业公司,没有人愿意听到你的,,,做好准备的人告诉你你的想法糟透了。没人想听,他们挂去接另一个电话,对吧?如果你不能处理,这可能不是你想要报名参加,身体,你知道,只是纯粹的数量的工作你会做拉这个东西是巨大的。对吧?和经济上,你不需要想,是的,如果你是唯物主义的人,和更重要的是你去租赁一辆漂亮的车和做所有这些事情。像你需要报名参加经济学真正,真正严格的和艰难的。但是你不想把自己放在一个位置你有很多账单和开支和义务,然后试着打电话给创业,像你自己很难。 So I want to see that somebody’s got the physical, mental and financial and financial and financial strain, that just not suckers for wanting shit. They can, you know, they’re gonna just be able to not have their back against the wall and do what they want to do. And when your backs against the wall, you don’t always get to do what you want to do. So those I looked at those three things, also, one of the things, you know, like, early on, I would take guys out and I’d say, All right, I want to see if you can think of that girl, you know, into somebody for a sales job. You know, if you can’t sell yourself, you’re not going to go sell my product. Yeah, right. Like I want to understand somebody’s confidence in in a room like that. And in a cold environment like that. If you can’t sell yourself, you’re not going to sell anything else. Yeah. Right. So I want to see that people have the strength to






我将与你们分享一个故事关于精神的一面,就像人会告诉你你的产品。没错,你知道的,太少的故事。一个是,我从惠普隐藏这个执行一次,他是惊人的。我对他说,我去,这是,你知道,我们第一次开始,你知道,这就像他的第一周工作。我说,你知道,四分之三的Rolodex不会打电话给你了。他就像,你在说什么?我说,嗯,你知道,你,你的帕卡德,当你叫人,他们接电话,他们给你回电话,他们感兴趣,你知道,你是一个大公司,,没有人知道我们是谁。当你叫他们,你知道,你会看到,实际上25%的人喜欢你,对的,其他人只要你有一个包,他很难真正理解。但是在高中的时候,我曾经写诗和歌曲之类的我与人分享,人们想,哦,这首歌是可怕的。我喜欢,听起来可怕的。 So one day, I took the song, the lyrics of a Paul McCartney song, and I wrote him down, like, what do you think of this song? And they’ll ask marijuana was always going to nobody’s gonna like that song. Right? And that taught me to stop really listening to feedback, and really follow my own. Because I’m, like, I said, I’m having all these songs I’m writing be bad. Yeah, I got all these things I’m putting together not make sense to people, right? But people are very happy to be negative on you. So someone’s like, Alright, I’m going to take this, I’m gonna take these good lyrics, I’m going to present it to the same friends. And they’re like, that’s terrible. I’m like, okay, I’m good. Now. Now I get it.


会议上,他们把会议是有原因的。是的。要么把它,因为你知道,你有一个朋友,他们尊重,和那个人尊重你。而且,你知道,他们希望听到你说什么重要的东西,他们坐在一个座位在那里,你知道,你知道的,与他们的战略举措之一,他们会拿出他们想做的事情。和理解是非常重要的。所以即使你不带走好产品的反馈,你要带走好行业反馈,你要带走的角度如何有人在你这个行业生态系统感知,什么是重要的,什么不是,但你离开会见的人有一个观点在你想要的业务。所以就会开始给你一个感觉,这是一个非常巨大的差异,当考虑业务,业务。就像,我要建立一个伟大的支付系统。这是真正伟大的。这听起来太棒了我与银行,对吗? And then let’s come up with a 1000 reasons why you’re not going to build a great payment system. Yeah. But it’s important to get that perspective. I’m not saying don’t do it. For those 1000 reasons. I’m saying it’s really important, though, to get that perspective.


我不要,因为我真的,你知道的,我卖我相信什么,我很兴奋,我看到的东西。所以我认为它是真实的。这不是我试图使发生。这对我来说只是发生。当我把这1000供应商贸易展览,不是每一个对话是巨大的。对吧?但是,你知道,你开始找出工作,没有什么工作,什么是有意义的,在那里,你知道,我有一些想法,你知道,我认为,真的很神奇。所以一个VC就像,你觉得这个行业什么?我说,嗯,好的,你不会,你不会打开潘多拉的盒子。这就是我想要真的发生在像10年,他们喜欢,他们将只会沉默。 You know, they thought I was crazy. Right after 10 minutes. So you have to learn to when you really want to share everything. And there’s a point of vulnerability in being an entrepreneur, you know, like I look at my business plan as a work of art the same way in music She looks at a song, or an artist looks at a canvas, my business mind is my canvas. And there’s vulnerability when you show it to somebody, and so an artist, some artists don’t want to show all of our, you know, their final, they don’t want to show what they have, we don’t really know that that’s, you know, you’re gonna have an opinion on it. So they want to showcase it a certain way. And you have to learn to do that with a business plan, also, and when you can really be vulnerable with a great investor, is when you can really make progress when you can really kind of get out there and brainstorm on the far out their ideas, and that’s a hard point to get to that chemistry is hard to develop,


对我们来说,我认为这就像在任何其他的关系,如果你遇见一个新来的女孩,你知道,有一个点的位置会有信任关系,你可以开放一点。我认为同样的适用于创业是一个非常个人的经历。对吧?不断有一些人我很好的,你觉得这个主意吗?让我们通过这个,对吗?你知道,你可以这样做。也许,你知道,我有10个想法,三是疯了。3、很多意义。三是可怕的。我不知道最后一个。 But it’s good to be able to develop those kind of relationships over time, but they don’t. They’re far and few between,




我不玩音乐。好吧。所以,你知道,显然一个抒情诗人。在六年级。我在合唱团类。老师,我记得她的名字。我不会说,但是我记得她的名字。她说,哦,等等,每一个人。安静。我想这一半的房间唱歌。 And then she goes, I want to see this road ascending. She goes, she points to me, but I just want you to sing. And she goes, you want to take two gyms? I go, Yeah, I’ll take two gyms and that was the end of my musical career. Yeah, that’s unfortunate. Yeah. So anyway, that was that was my music. That’s my musical career. But I actually think I wouldn’t, I wouldn’t. I would love to learn piano one day, and I actually, I love singing. Everybody loves me singing but I love to sing.




人们因此会在40哦,是的。哦,是的。酷。是的。我爱你。我爱音乐。我喜欢很多关于音乐的故事。我爱这首歌高地,对吧?因为它是关于学习的。关键在这首歌歌词是你学得越多,你越意识到,你真的知道。 It’s a really important lesson. But absolutely,


我,你知道,我在纽约作为创业蓬勃发展的最自然的环境。正确的。协作的社会,你要与人相处,对了,你知道,你188金宝搏欢迎您不能过马路在纽约没有和人打交道。所以你开发真正伟大的技能的人,住在纽约。的概念,工作和生活在同一个地方,我想,是非常重要的。我认为创业是一个很重要的一部分你的个人生活和职业生活的一部分。我不认为有一个大的分离。我认为纽约是你知道的,你生活和工作在同一个地方。我认为这是一个非常重要的主题。我认为这自然与人交流你在纽约真的是非常重要的。 And and communities like workbench, help make those kinds of things happen. More software is sold in New York and anywhere in the world. I didn’t know that stat. Oh, yeah. And between Boston, Philadelphia, New York and DC. I mean, you can sell a lot of software here. And you can develop a lot you can develop software. I mean, the talent nukes has more colleges than any city in the world. Right. And so, you know, people think Boston has so many colleges. It’s a great college town. and colleges overwhelmed Boston. But we have more colleges in New York than we do in Boston. And most people are going to school here. And so because of the buying economics and because of the talent community, those are two big pillars of entrepreneurship. Cornell decided to open up the campus here in New York City. If you’re an ad tech company, you know, you’ve got to be in New York City, if you’re a European tech software company, and you want to come to United States in New York City is the natural place to land and start, it’s better than traveling for more time zones. So you got a lot of Europe and Israel coming here. You’ve got buyers here, you’ve got Stanford of the East being built. You’ve got a collaborative community, that makes sense. You’ve got office space, that makes sense. You’ve got housing for everybody. So yeah, New York’s expensive, but the Bronx costs a lot less. Brooklyn became a viable community. It’s now more expensive than parts of Manhattan, but its addresses the younger person demographic. And so there are a lot of elements in the environment that speak to entrepreneurship just naturally, even if New York City didn’t, even if New York City didn’t have initiatives to support it. I think it just happens here naturally, because of the way the city is built.






非郊区生活。所以城市的国家,这是一个《GQ》进城了。我的办公室是六英里路离我住的地方,也就是在什么港口,纽约,我选择了小镇,白港,是第一站。所以我选择了建筑在镇上,镇上的第一站。因为我认为交通糟透了。你知道,我想跟我的孩子在一起。顺便说一下,我希望我的团队,你知道的,现在我有点老了,和我的工作有很多相同的人一遍又一遍。和他们住在这样的地方。我想让他们建立一个环境,你知道,教练,足球,棒球教练,白天去做你的事,对吧?孩子来到我们的办公室,我们给他们的工作要做。 Right, you know, they’re just as much included in our business as our team is included in their lives. And that’s a really important theme in my life. Now as an entrepreneur, especially given where I’m at with my age, my demographic and my peers. Yeah. So look, you know, there’s no one specific thing I think about it on it consistently on a daily basis. But you know, what I will say is that entrepreneurship is not a career. You can choose, it chooses you, right, and it chose me and I, and I’ve done it, and it’s hard. And so I swear this is my last company, and everybody says, There’s no way but







谢谢,杰夫。嗨,马特Hunckler这里。这是我们的谈话与杰夫·利文斯。我希望你像我一样喜欢它。我真的很喜欢他的观点。就像他讲故事是伟大的,它让我上去讲故事比赛,但是我知道你学到了什么。Instagram打我在Twitter上。当然我们会发布很多报价和额外的奖金材料在所有社交活动。所以确保你给我们一个跟踪。节目所有的记录都是在www.classicmusia.com上,你可以去这一集,一集23号所有的笔记和时间戳,所以你可以去你最喜欢的精妙的部分对话。 Thanks so much for tuning in.

