

Soft Robotics通过其专有的软机器人技术的应用和商业化,为自动化开辟了新的市场。机械臂的末端是夹持器。2105年3月版的《现代材料处理》(Modern Materials Handling)最好地描述了这一挑战,他们写道:“也许比仓储和配送中机器人开发的任何其他元素都要多,臂端工具或夹具是决定机器人成功与否的地方。”先进的夹具技术是开启自动化新时代的关键。在这个时代,他们可以自动挑选和包装食品杂货配送、柔软和精致零件的垃圾箱挑选、电子商务订单履行、水果收获、行李处理和消费品包装。仅美国生鲜农产品包装市场就代表了一个270亿美元的零售市场,寻求自动化解决方案。软机器人已经证明了将机器人产品处理和包装推向这个市场的能力。这些都是适应性、复杂性和成本问题。对适应性更强的夹持器的探索提高了伺服夹持器等设备的设计复杂性,并提高了复杂的刀具更换要求。这种复杂性带来了高昂的抓手成本,需要更大的武器,以及复杂的软件和硬件集成。 Their revolutionary soft robotic technology, covered by more than 40 patents and applications, enables us to design and manufacture soft robotic hands that address the new unstructured world of automation and logistics. Through their propriety knowledge of actuator geometry, material selection, and operating envelope, they can tune actuators to be force limiting with NO CLOSED LOOP FEEDBACK system required. Soft Robotics brings the highest level of adaptability, while lowering system complexity and total system cost. The adaptive nature of their technology allows a single grasper to handle an unprecedented range of objects, regardless of shape, size, or weight, with no tool or software changes between cycles. We’ve demonstrated the ability to grasp bags of rice, raw food, bars of soap, boxes of toothpaste, and clothing all with a single device. But soft does not mean weak. Their technology has the ability to scale from the smallest to the largest task. The result is an automation solution that can pack a tote for retail distribution, pick fruit off the vine, or easily handle a ten pound kettle bell. They have demonstrated the speed and precision necessary to integrate into the factories and warehouses of today and the future, operating at speeds up to 130 picks per minute.Their system is plug and play with the most common industrial robots using industry standard protocols and vision systems.They have designed the system to be “robot and vision agnostic,” allowing the system to quickly and seamlessly integrate with the full range of robots, from small collaborative systems to high speed industrial packing cells. Soft Robotics launched their industrial product at Automate 2015 in March 2015, Their produce handling system in June 2015, and started shipping in June 2015. They are now selling systems to their pilot customers. Soft Robotics is foundational technology that solves the problems of today and unlocks the future of automation.

25美元的m - 100 m


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