





  • 要明白你是所在领域内更大的科技领域的一部分。问问你自己:“我的公司能为社区做些什么?”188金宝搏欢迎您
  • 为更大的生态系统做贡献也会直接让你的公司受益。如果你的城市正在崛起,它将帮助你吸引更多的人才和更多的资本。
  • 协作是至关重要的。史蒂夫引用道:“有一句非洲谚语说,‘如果你想走得快,就独自走;但如果你想走得远,就一起走。’”
  • 要支持你的Unvalley城市的崛起,你能做的最好的事情之一就是成功。如果你的公司取得了突破性的成功,它就为其他人创造了一种可能性——这就为公司的发展创造了持续的动力。





我们在AOL刚起步的时候就看到了这一点,最初只有几十名员工,后来我们发展到100名员工。最多时,1000名员工大约是1万人。但是在整个社区中,突然188金宝搏欢迎您之间,因为我们有这么多人聚集在这个地区,恰好在杜勒斯机场附近,你猜怎么着,突然间,这个地区建起了房子,餐馆在这个地区开张,还有很多其他的服务都被安排好了来支持这个更广阔的社区。数据基本上表明,每一个创业岗位,都会在社区中创造出五个其他岗位。188金宝搏欢迎您所以如果你不关注这些,这些这些创业公司,不一定是科技创业公司,显然有很多科技创业公司,但我们看到整个经济,食品,服装和许多其他领域的创新。如果你不专注于此,你就不能为新公司创造就业机会,你就不能为未来的产业创造就业机会。118金博宝你也不会在你的社区创造相关的工作机会,而这些工作机会将真正提升社区,给人们更多的希望和可能性。188金宝搏欢迎您这就是我们国家现在所面临的问题的一部分,我们的国家存在这样的分歧。有些人对未来感觉很好对未来很乐观。但很多人实际上数据显示大多数人对未来感到焦虑,我们在硅谷等地谈到的这种颠覆对他们的家庭和社区都是不利的,感觉像是失业,而不是就业。188金宝搏欢迎您 And we can only offset that if we’re creating jobs in each city, in some of these new companies, some of these new industries and also benefiting from the broader spin off impact. So it’s hugely important. It’s not just about any one startup city, it’s about how do you create a broader focus around new companies, startups all across the country. And if we don’t do that, the divide we now have in our country is only going to get worse.




首先,我想说的是,很明显,疫情对我们的国家和世界都产生了可怕的影响。30万人死亡,你知道,他们得到的最后一个数字是1600万人被感染。数百万人失去了工作。许多企业已经倒闭。从多个层面来说,这都是一场悲剧。我不想你知道的,把这当回事。很明显,这很糟糕。但就像其他事情一样有时候当你遇到危机的时候,如果你留心,就会看到希望的曙光,一些,一些一些希望的曙光,如果你愿意的话。我们看到其中一些是更广泛的主题,我们谈到了人才迁移的开始,我认为这将加速其他现象的兴起。随着时间的推移,这对很多城市都是非常积极的,对我们的国家也是如此。 And you’re also seeing some acceleration of some of the dynamics in particular sectors. And some of the obvious ones you mentioned communications, of course, zoom, and many other companies have seen a real acceleration in growth as we adopt the, you know, think about this sheltering, working from home not just being a temporary thing, but maybe a more permanent thing, or perhaps a hybrid workforce where you’re some people are remote. Some people are in the office, some people, you know, kind of switch back and forth. How does that change? There are a lot of companies that are benefiting from that. We’ve obviously seen an acceleration in e commerce and food delivery and a lot of other things. One of our companies, big commerce, we’ve seen that firsthand. Their commerce platform has seen rapid growth over the past year, we’ve also seen an acceleration of some trends in sectors like telehealth, which has been bubbling for really more than a decade, but really took off this year, not surprisingly, because doctors offices were closed. And these many doctors offices were closed. And suddenly, if you needed to see a doctor, you had to do it. Virtually digitally, he had to embrace telehealth, and we thought I would want to work companies talkspace, which is in the digital mental health space. And I’ve seen significant growth over over the past year. We’ve also seen companies pivot one of our companies clear is most best known for an airport security kind of as fast path to get your plane faster, they decided also to expand into health pass and work with us and sports leagues to create these safe bubbles for players on there. And their families are now offering that to a variety of different organizations. So there’s just a lot of things that we’re showing some signs of momentum and really have accelerated because of the some of this may go back to some sense of normalcy, if you will. But a lot of these trends are I think, are going to be more permanent.




我认为首先要明白你是一个社区的一部分你能做的就是专注于你正在做的事情,如果这是一个初创公司,或者不管你在做什么,当然,这必须是最重188金宝搏欢迎您要的。但是意识到你是一个更广泛的社区的一部分,你能做些什么来支持这个社区?188金宝搏欢迎您你能加速社区发展吗,这是一种帮助社区的方式,但坦白地说,188金宝搏欢迎您也帮助了你自己,因为如果你的城市正在崛起,它能够吸引更多的人才,能够吸引更多的资本,你知道,所有的船都会上升。所以在某种程度上,这是为自己服务的。但这不是从自我服务开始的,而是要认识到你可以扮演一个角色,并且真的需要扮演这个角色。成为创业社区的一员,成为领导者,并试图把它带到下一个层次。188金宝搏欢迎您第二点回到我之前说的认识到合作是至关重要的。有一句非洲谚语,但我知道你听我说过很多次我们在路上,如果你想走得快,你可以自己走,如果你想走得远,你必须一起走。那么,你如何建立一个合作的努力,让你可以一起努力,包括找到方法与你的社区里的其他人联系,包括政策方面的人,比如你的当地市长,或一些更大的公司或他们之前提到的大学?188金宝搏欢迎您118金博宝那么,你如何创造一个更广泛的社区,让大家一起去做你自己无法完成的事情呢?188金宝搏欢迎您 A third is to be successful. One of the great things about you know that it really puts startup cities on the map is somehow a breakout success and say, Hmm, I didn’t know he could do that as well happen to be one of those companies here. And though in the Washington DC area, Dell was obviously that in Austin, Microsoft, and then later Amazon was that in in Seattle, more recently, exact target. Now, part of Salesforce, as you all know, is with that in Indianapolis, you’re seeing more Pluralsight just this week, it was acquired by VISTA in Utah. When you see those successes, it creates a kind of a more of a sense of possibility and momentum just as the first time it tells somebody climb Mount Everest, nobody thought it was possible. Once one person did it. People say well, obvious, it’s possible. I think I’ll go do it to the first guy, you know, gotta break the four minute mile than most people thought that wasn’t possible. He did it. Suddenly. It was Possible Suddenly, a lot of people are running stuff, you know, for a minute miles. And the same dynamic is true with with these, with these companies having a breakout success, really enlist the community, then some of the early employees, early investors, have some capitals start investing in seed rounds, Angel rounds for some of the companies in the area or take their expertise and start their own companies. And momentum begets momentum. And so that’s how you go from kind of a, you know, early stage kind of startup community to something that’s really thriving. So a lot of different factors. And as I said before, and Brad Feld talks about this in his latest startup community book, this is really including what he’s found with in Boulder when he was started working on this, I guess, more than a decade ago, almost two decades ago, it you needed to bring like a 20 year mindset to it. So there are going to be overnight successes in the startup community world, it’s going to take a lot of hard work a lot of collaboration over a long period of time. But you got to start somewhere.


