Jordan Wirsz PowderKeg播客嘉宾

Jordan Wirsz作为Savant Investment Partners的首席执行官,管理着超过1亿美元的房地产投资。但他的登顶之路并非一帆风顺。






在Jordan Wirsz的这期节目中,你会学到:

  • 约但的第一笔生意(3:40)
  • 关于乔丹第一次失败的投资(5:12)
  • 乔丹如何开办他的公司“极限航空”(6:31)
  • 投资失败后的坚持态度。(55)
  • 关于乔丹在经历了一次失败的大投资后的责任心态(11:44)
  • 约旦对奢侈生活方式风险的思考(15:59)
  • 约旦给创业者的建议(20:18)
  • 如何通过工作与人建立关系(24:59)
  • 及时回复邮件是获得投资者信任的关键。
  • 如何更有条理,提高效率(27:30)
  • 实践比技术更重要(29:17)
  • 没有知识的动机是有害的
  • 为什么在学习方面,质大于量(34:22)
  • 为什么把工作时间和休闲时间分开很重要(37:17)
  • 时不时地“充电”的重要性。(40:25)
  • 约旦出版的书籍(45:05)










Jim Rohn







联系Jordan Wirsz

















来自印第安纳波利斯的ViRGE总部。我是Matt Hunckler,这里是Powderkeg。今天,我们将和一位年轻的投资者交谈,他在21岁时就赚到了自己的第一个一百万美元。


这是采访中的乔丹·威尔斯,他是savant Investment Partners的首席执行官,自2012年以来,他领导了超过1亿美元的房地产投资。现在我和乔丹在他拉斯维加斯的办公室里见了面,只是想多了解一点他做事的动力,我想了解他的投资习惯和领导风格。但我得到的比我想象的还要好。当然,在这次采访中,乔丹将分享他个人的创业故事,从他15岁时获得的第一笔佣金开始。因此,你将听到一些提高效率的技巧,他如何处理他的工作,以及他的一些领导最佳实践。但你也会听到过昂贵生活方式的风险,这是乔丹亲身体会到的。接下来是我最喜欢的关于失败的部分,以及乔丹和他的公司是如何挺过来的,勉强挺过了2007 - 2008年的金融危机,并挺到了2009年。所以我们今天在这里为您带来了所有这些,以及更多关于火药桶的内容。所以我知道你在寻找更多的方法把更多的火药桶塞进你的耳洞里。所以这里有几个想法,你可以在健身房通勤时听powder keg。任何时候你需要快速的灵感,我有三个词让你在iTunes上订阅,通过搜索powder keg找到我们,这都是一个词,powder keg,或者你可以直接去powder keg。你可以下载或流式播放我们与克里斯蒂安·安德森(Christian Anderson)等人的对话,他是high alpha的合伙人,他在运营的第一年就启动了八家被资助的初创公司,并有一个惊人的故事要与你分享。 But you’ve also got awesome interviews like the one we did with Cole Hatter, who is a master connector. He’s also an author, investor, speaker and founder who really pursued entrepreneurship out of desperation. And his story is just incredible. So I hope you listen to that episode. That’s episode three. This episode of powderkeg is brought to you by our good friends at developer town. And what’s developer town, you say? Well, let’s let one of the partners from developer town who also happens to be a senior designer, Darren Shapoorji tell you a little bit about it.

Developer Town是一家软件工作室,帮助商业领袖将伟大的想法转化为有吸引力的数字产品。这也是有牵引力的关键,对吧?我们不只是生产产品,然后把它们扔出去,然后希望它们能赢,对吧?我们与大公司合作的方式是,我们利用过去四五年在开发者小镇与成118金博宝百上千的企业家合作的经验,然后利用我们的管理合伙人在2030年的经验。我们接受这些知识。我们与这些大公司合作,在内部重组和改造他们开发产品的方式,118金博宝并为他们提供更好的工具集和意识形态,让他们知道应该如何开发产品。所以有时候我们甚至都不是做这件事的人。我们只是建议他们。有时候我们是,我们有这些能力,如何在公司内部建立一个团队,就像今天21世纪的初创公司一样独立行动。所以几乎就像一个公司内部的小泡沫公司。

我知道这听起来好得令人难以置信。但开发者小镇是认真地为公司和企业家提供所需的工具,以构建他们的数字产品。118金博宝他们要做从产品战略验证到客户研究的所有事情。但他们也会做一些事情,比如快速原型、测试和快速开发,并将产品送到客户手中,这样你就能得到真正的反馈。你不只是在追求一些想法,而是要追求真正的收入和真正的吸引力。查看developer,这是developer。更多信息自动化,开发人员小镇,开始一些。正如我之前提到的,今天我请来了savant Investment Partners的首席执行官乔丹·韦尔(Jordan weirs),他管理着超过1亿美元的房地产投资。现在,weirs是全国公认的房地产专家,得到了美国参议院、美国国会、内华达州政府的认可,甚至在CNBC、NBC和福克斯新闻等众多电视网络上都有报道。他是美国许多地区的房地产投资者和投资经理。 And that includes commercial and residential assets, development and Office projects and even industrial properties. weirs was awarded the prestigious Young Entrepreneur of the Year Award by the Small Business Administration in 2007. He’s also an accomplished author, because why not if you’re doing all this other stuff, you may as well write some books too. He wrote the book Maverick millionaire and become incredible, both of which are available on Amazon, and everywhere that books are sold. But today, we’re gonna go a little bit off script and go deep on business philosophy. But without further ado, here’s serial entrepreneur and investor Jordan weirs. Jordan, it’s really awesome to be with you here in Las Vegas. Obviously, this is one of the top cities for commercial real estate, if not, maybe the top city for commercial real estate. And your experience as an entrepreneur has taken you all over the world. It has helped you ramp up businesses, you’ve also experienced the heartache of the crash in 2007. But you made your first million before age 21. So I’d love to start the conversation with your first entrepreneurial venture, which I believe was at age 10. Is that right? That’s right.



嗯,它始于,我对航空的热情,正如你在我的墙上看到的,我是一名前航展飞行员和商业评级飞行员。所以我一直对航空充满热情。当我还是个孩子的时候,我非常想要一架遥控飞机。我把我的钱存起来,你知道,修剪草坪,照顾邻居什么的,我存了钱,买了一个大约125美元的遥控滑翔机。我把它带回家,才意识到它有多脆弱。那时候是用巴尔杉木,你知道那时候没有无人机,没有无人机,是的,很难飞行。你知道,10岁的时候,我在想,天哪,我要,你知道,浪费125美元,这在当时对我来说是全世界所有的钱。所以我做的是,我决定,好吧,与其试着去驾驶它,然后撞坏它,我要把它卖掉。所以我把它放到网上,要价125美元,这是当地的免费分类广告。一个人给我发邮件说,听着,我没有125美元,但我有一架遥控飞机,嗯,你知道,我脑子里的灯泡都亮了。 And I say, Well, I know that’s worth more than the glider. So I trade it up. And I put that up for sale for a couple 100 bucks. And before I know, a guy called me up, said, Listen, I don’t have 200 bucks, but I have remote control helicopter. And again, another light bulb, right. And so I built this thing up from you know, about 10 going on 11 years old, into the point where 12 and 13 I had boats and jet skis and motorcycles and you know, all kinds of stuff that I was just trading and buying and selling and, and that kind of stuff just off the recycler free classified ads in Southern California.


好吧,我将分两部分回答这个问题。一个是,你知道,是什么驱使着我,是什么让航空或玩具或其他对我来说很重要的东西,在那个年龄,你知道,激情。我是看着《壮志凌云》长大的我觉得那是世界上最酷的电影。我知道我对玩具的爱好在生活中是非常非常昂贵的。你知道,我一直很喜欢飞机、摩托车和汽车之类的东西。我从很小的时候就知道,除非你有钱,否则你得不到这些东西。但我认为,如果我们从10岁开始,回到我六七岁的时候,你知道,我没有任何独特的挑战,和现在许多孩子所面临的不同。但那肯定不是理想的童年。我妈妈经常把我一个人留在家里。而且,你知道,即使在六七岁,八岁的时候。 So what I ended up doing was, you know, I spent much of my day at home because I was at home study. Yeah. And so I watched, you know, television most of the time and just was bored out of my mind. You know, my mom worked 12 hour shifts at the hospital. Yeah. And she owned a small business on the side as well. So that pretty much took up all of her time. Sure. Well, I’m sure she was up late one night and watched one of the infomercials that Tony Robbins had, and picked up personal power, the audio set? Sure. The original one, the original one, probably on cassette, I was on cassette, actually. So, you know, I was tired of watching TV, and I Love Lucy and Andy Griffith Show reruns, you know. So what I did was one day, I saw this box that had come to the house, and it sat on the kitchen counter for about two months, and decided, Okay, I’m gonna open this thing up, and I opened it up, and it’s Tony Robbins tapes. Well, I, we had a little cassette recorder. And I just took one out and put it in and just started listening to it. And I didn’t have you know, I had a dad in my life, but but he wasn’t a full time, you know, type thing. So, you know, I listen to Tony Robbins, and he has that deep voice, that very masculine persona. And, you know, I didn’t really understand everything that he was saying, obviously, you can’t, it’s 678 years old, right? But right. But I understood just enough, and I became enamored with his voice and his persona. And he kind of, you know, filled that masculine role in my life for a couple of months, as I just repeatedly, you know, listen to these audio sets over and over and over again. How old were you at this time? I’m gonna say I was probably somewhere around seven. Okay, well, somewhere around seven,




不。但我可以告诉你,我从小就是托尼·罗宾斯的粉丝。是的。非常非常小的孩子。我开始读他的书,你知道,《唤醒内心的巨人》出版后?当然,而且,你知道,他和我当时一样年轻。我在尽可能多地学习。是的。它滋养了我它滋养了我的精神滋养了我的智力。我非常感谢家庭学习让我更早地成熟起来。 Right. It gave me a, an adult view of the world, not a, you know, typical kid, you know, view of the world.


你知道,从遥控滑翔机到飞机再到直升机的整个过程,在4到5个月,6个月内就完成了?它确实在我的生活中扮演了一个商业角色,它不再是你知道,我想玩什么?对吧?我做这个能赚钱吗?是的。这种进化发生得非常、非常、非常快。可能是我人生的转折点。我很早就学到的经验是,当我14岁的时候,我在互联网上,我到处寻找关于直升机和飞机的信息,显然,这是我的爱好。所以我偶然发现了一个旋翼新闻集团直升机新闻集团。我看到一个分类广告,一个人说,你想买我的自制直升机吗? And here’s the specifications and whatnot. And it really intrigued me. I mean, the idea of a home built helicopter, right? I mean, sure. Every 14 year old has this in his imagination. I’m going to keep it in my garage. I’m gonna fly it around the canyon around my house, and it’s just as awesome dream that every kid ought to have. So what happened was, I called them up, and I said, you know, hey, listen, can you tell me more about the helicopter and you know, I quizzed him on it for a few minutes and we got down to price and said, Well, what are you asking for it? He said, Well, I’m asking 55,000 bucks. And I said, well, thanks for your time. I’m 14 years old. I don’t have 55,000 to spend yet. Yeah. So he was, he was nice enough. He was he was impressed. He said, Wow, I’m really impressed with the questions that you answered and your, you know, your level of intelligence. And he said, Listen, I really need to sell this thing. So if you would find me a buyer for it, I’ll be happy to pay you 2500 bucks. Well, again, 2500 bucks being all the money in the world to a 14 year old kid. And you know, at that time, I could double my net worth, right. Yeah, absolutely. So I took them up on it. And whatever possessed this guy to create a contract that my mom had to sign because I wasn’t 18. And he put, you know, printed out flyers with my phone number on it. And








你知道,这很有趣,因为在1415岁的时候,当你考虑投资的时候,对吧?你太乐观了,你过于乐观和快速,大多数年轻人对投资都不切实际地乐观。我真的认为我会把这2500美元变成5万美元,然后变成50万美元,最后变成100万美元,你知道,随着时间的推移,我并没有很好地理解风险。而且,你知道,失去那笔钱对我来说是一记重击。但与此同时,早年的学习对我来说非常重要,尤其是在未来几年担任投资者和投资经理的角色时。投资是不确定的事情,你知道,有很多风险。尽管这对我来说是一记重击,但他们还是让我回到了我说,好吧,也许大宗商品交易不是我的专长。我要回去做飞机销售,如果我做过一次的话。我可以再做一次。对吧? Yeah, that’s when I opened up my company, extreme aviation.


激情?好吧,激情,在那一刻,你知道,有点像,第一次吃糖果棒。是的。对,你会觉得,天哪,这味道太棒了。我想吃这个,我可以吃一整天。正确的。现在尝到了那笔钱的滋味,你知道,就像我说的,就像在内脏上踢了一脚。你知道,至少可以说,在那个年纪失去你一生的积蓄,或者你一生积蓄的很大一部分,是令人沮丧的。那是那是,你知道的,太可怕了。是啊,但是,如果我做过一次,我就能再做一次。 Sure. And I love airplanes, and I love helicopters. And I thought, well, you know, I’ll go do something I really, really enjoy. Like I said, I was home study the majority of that time. And so it gave me the time during the day to be able to focus on that as well. What I think is really important for every entrepreneur and every business person to understand is that life is going to be full of those times, right? There’s gonna be periods of time in your life where everything goes, goes great and goes well and there’s gonna be periods of time when you get kicked in the gut. financially, emotionally. There’s a whole host of life experiences that people go through. And so there’s never this steady climb to the top. Right the I think on Facebook, I saw a drawing someone didn’t it circulated itself around the internet pretty fast. And it’s you know, what people think is the line to success which is straight line, and then what it really looks like, yeah. And it’s just a bunch of scribble. Right. And I’ve seen that one. And that’s really what life is about is you get kicked in the gut, and you do get pushed back. And perseverance as a principle is used way too often, in a cliche way, you get people who have no idea what the term means, or what it means to live it. But they’re using it every day, and they’re preaching it to young entrepreneurs. Perseverance is the ability to understand that you are going to get kicked in the gut and push down and fall down on a very regular basis. And, and perseverance is the ability to get back up and say, I knew that was gonna happen. It’s fine. I’m moving on. I’m gonna keep going. Yeah. And, and that has paid huge dividends to me in life.





我可以想象是什么让你早上不睡?什么?是什么驱使你开车到办公室继续工作,是责任吗?是的,责任,你知道,我对那些投资者负有责任。对我自己来说,我非常非常幸运,我的每一个竞争对手,我不应该说每个人,他们中的大多数都被投资者疯狂地起诉过,我从来没有被起诉过。这些竞争对手中的绝大多数已经申请破产。我没有申请破产。这是一场战斗。这是一场决战。是的。 And, you know, to keep yourself above above water and do your best job for your investors. And it was it was a time that that really cut my teeth, if that makes sense. Yeah, in this world, and it was the the maker break moment. And it still to this day, I help a lot of those investors, you know, still deal with a lot of the issues that that happened back in the in the crash, and it was something unlike anything I’ve ever seen. I have always made it a habit to surround myself with incredibly bright people. I had ex CFOs of multiple public companies, you know, name brand companies on my board. And I had x CEOs of publicly held companies on my board, I had private equity venture capitalists on my board. And, you know, we all sat around the boardroom table, and we’re trying to depict what was going to happen in 2008, early 2009, when things really started to fall off the rails. And we all looked at each other around the boardroom table and said, Well, okay, you know, it looks like maybe we might be in for a 20 or 30%, you know, correction here, you know, and we never imagined that it would be a 70% as in seven zero. Yeah. And, you know, Case Shiller and those guys have their own statistics of how bad it was. But, you know, there was homes that were selling for 300,000 at the top that traded at 100,000 at the bottom. Yeah, and, and there’s pieces of land that sold for million dollars at the top that traded for, you know, 200,000 at the bottom. It was extreme, it was unlike anything that we had ever seen before. And so it was it was a good life lesson and now being an investor and an investment manager further into the future. You know, I look back and now I realize that there are signs when markets are topping, and they’re signs when markets are bottoming. And when things are good. You just want to believe that they’re going to continue to be good. And you want to believe how smart you are, and how well positioned you are, and that it’s all your fault. And you know, your abilities and talents that have created this a massive amount of successful, you have to realize that markets, you know, fluctuate, go up and down. And the real wisdom now is learning what makes them top and what makes them bottom.


哦,绝对不行。是的,我是说,它是。听着,我还远远不够完美,对吧?我认为只有比我伟大得多的人才能拥有那种乐观和能力,并度过那些极其黑暗的日子。你知道,在那些日子里,你知道,伯尼·麦道夫从人们那里偷了数十亿美元。是的。华尔街的经纪人和投资顾问都自杀了。你知道,那是一段非常黑暗的时期,尤其是在我们这个行业,对整个经济来说,尤其是在我们这个行业。我的意思是,我们从事的是房地产业务,是金融衰退的中心。所以,不,我不是那种永远的乐观主义者,每天起床说,我要碾压这一切,你知道,我要比衰退更大更好。 I got up every day out of duty and responsibility and integrity. And I worked my way through one problem at a time and that was where perseverance paid off.


当然,风险更大了。更大的风险?你知道,这很有趣,因为很多自称是企业家大师或商业大师的人,你知道,他们会给你看他们的劳斯莱斯或宾利的照片,他们会给你看他们高楼大厦的照片,他们会在Facebook上发布他们度假的照片。你知道,他们过着高飞的生活,我真的在年轻的时候,我认为这就是成功。对吧?真的。所以我做得越好,我就改善我的生活方式,以证明给自己和全世界证明这就是经济上的成功。是的。我真的,有意识地我明白那不是很准确,准确,对吧?但在内心深处,我并没有被判有罪。 And so I followed along in suit, right, I would, I’d have a half a million dollar month, and I’d go buy a Bentley. And when I was able, you know, I bought a $1.75 million airplane and I lived in a million and a half dollar home. And you know, I just constantly upgraded my lifestyle along with my success. And it was a terrible mistake. And so having gone through that now, the first time now I understand the real goal. And I’ve been in the you know, in the investment business for the last 13 going on 14 years. And the last half of it, which has been postcrash has been all about balance sheet, right. And it’s about understanding the reality that these people who drive the Bentley’s and Lamborghinis and the Ferraris and have the Jets, the large majority of them simply don’t have the net worth to support that kind of lifestyle. And they’re counting on the income and if their income stream stopped tomorrow, they might be a matter of weeks or months, perhaps a few quarters away from bankruptcy themselves. Yeah. And so you know, now there’s a tremendous amount of freedom is I’ve learned through the difficult times and learned from our investors that that it’s all about building your balance sheet. That’s how you know these guys, I’ve got a lot of ordinary investors guys that walk in and bleed blue jeans and T shirts and Dr. Ford pickup trucks, you know, pretty much exactly who I am today. Yeah, that they’re all multi multi multimillionaire, some of them were 1020 $30 million. And they’re not ostentatious. They’re, you know, they’re not bougie they’re, you know, they’re not drinking Cristalle and their multimillion dollar mansion. Yeah. It’s, it’s not about the physical items. It’s about the freedom that wealth creates. And it’s about growing and it almost becomes a game of Monopoly, right. And it’s, it’s, it’s about them being able to spend the time doing what they want to do and wake up every day knowing that they’re not beholden to, to anything or anybody.

好吧,我当然想回到那个问题上,因为我认为这是一种完全不同的心态。我认为你在这里提到的一件事,让我想起了另一位企业家对我说过的一些话很多企业家都把他们的自我和所有这些外部因素联系在一起,对吧?宾利,法拉利,不管是什么,汽车,房子还是度假屋。很明显,在你的创业之旅中,你已经学会了把你的自我和其他事情联系起来。显然,资产负债表不是唯一的因素。我知道你是一个充满激情想要有所作为,想要创造有意义的生活,想要创造自由的生活的人。但我认为第一的心态转变获得东西的东西和经验,与收购资产的资产负债表,实际上是要帮助开发更多的财富,跟我说话,甚至跟这里的听众,因为我们有很多的年轻企业家,或者第一次企业家,刚才是谁打100000美元或六位数,甚至中期高六位数的收入,或者他们甚至少于六位数,但他们已经接受了数百万美元的投资。他们在其中,你知道,是为了长期和不断增长的业务价值。今天企业家可以开始做什么? Or what is one way they can start thinking today? That’s going to build them for a sound financial future? And an s sound? Really base of life?

是的,让我这么说吧,他们必须理解的第一件事是你必须成为原则上的投资者,对吧。当我说你必须是一个投资者。从原则上讲,这并不意味着你现在必须有一百万美元去投资,这意味着你明白你收入的很大一部分应该存起来。大多数人所做的是,随着他们收入的增加,他们的生活方式也会增加。正确的。我也犯了同样的错误。所以这是关于当你的收入增加时,你的生活方式不增加。然后把钱存起来。让我告诉你,这种情况的发展,首先,你开始每月存100美元,或200美元,我1718年就开始这样做了。然后突然之间,你每个月可以存1000美元,就像天哪,你在银行有1万美元,你知道,在789 10个月之后,你就会觉得我是个天才,这太棒了,我觉得很安全。 And you know, that’ll turn into 20 and 30. And then 30 turns into 60 and 70. And then 70 turns into 150. And you’re like, Wow, I’m doing really well. And then 150 turns into 250 and 250 into 500. And, you know, it keeps going and as time goes, your number gets bigger, and it’s exponential. Most people just don’t care to save 100 bucks or 200 bucks or 1000 bucks, because they don’t think it matters in their life. It’s too small, it’s too insignificant in their view, to make them a millionaire. Well, I can tell you that. Not without exception, there might be a couple of exceptions, but the majority of investors that I’ve dealt with for the last 14 years, my life started there. You know, there is the the young entrepreneurs that seek to be the Richard Branson’s or the Donald Trump’s or that you know, and they want the big hits, they want the big dollars, I’m not working on what’s going to make me 100 grand, I’m working on what’s gonna make me a million or 10 million or 100 million or a billion. And they have these very grandiose ideas, but you have to realize is that the the the statistics say that that’s a very rare thing to happen. Yep. Right, the Mark Zuckerberg birds of the wheel of the world, the Donald Trump’s of the world, those guys are one in hundreds of millions. And so what it comes down to is, you can either choose the path that’s extremely risky, right and chase the elephants which have a statistic probability of not working. Or you can do what you do really, really well and put one brick on top of the other every single day for many years at a time and end up worth 20 $30 million. By the time you’re 50 and 60. And ready to retire and the rest of your life is done. Yeah, right. And you don’t need the private jet. And you don’t need the $20 million house on the you know, on the hillside and in Laguna Beach, you need security. And that’s that’s what that offers you. So, to the young entrepreneurs and the young, you know, the I’ll call them the wealth generation, the people who want to create wealth. It’s not just about income, income is not wealth. It’s about your balance sheet. It’s about your net worth. And that is where the rest of your life and your future and your stability and your freedom comes from.

我认为这是一个很好的观点因为这又回到了我学到的一件事,它是非常一致的,不仅在你的生活中,而且在大多数成功的企业家的生活中,那就是纪律。每天都遵守纪律,日复一日地工作。如果你更年轻,你可能会在某些领域承担更多的风险,但你会用低风险的东西来平衡它,这是建立净值和投资组合的纪律,这样你就会积累资产,产生财富。所以就纪律而言,你现在的纪律,经历了整个过程,对吧,早期投资于物质的过程,我相信你仍然在投资长期投资的东西,但是现在不得不经历市场的过程调整,对吧,那很容易就会上涨。现在你的净值可能是200 - 300倍。但这就是为什么当你和任何企业家交谈时,他们总是说这是非常严格的纪律,努力工作,专注,还有大量的运气。对吧?所以你想让自己在幸运降临的时候出现在那里,但也要做好准备,当它不告诉我你的纪律时?你每天都有哪些习惯,这些习惯为你建立了纪律并帮助你保持纪律?










我也注意到,你没有使用什么花哨的软件。你没有使用最新的,移动优化的,等等等等。是的,这是一个Excel电子表格。这是正确的。所以我认为呼吁出来很重要。因为我认为很多时候,人们被工具所困,尝试免费试用,然后切换到这个东西。现在我用的是Basecamp。所以一切都会改变。是的。这与练习无关,对吧? It

是关于实践的。这与技术无关。重要的不是想法,而是行动,简单的行动。就像我说的,每个人都不一样。我不会因为某人使用Basecamp而批评他。如果这对你有用,那就用吧。但我认为发生在很多企业家身上的事情是,商业人士通常是,他们试图系统化他们的创造力,他们如何有创造力,如何把他们所做的事情做得很好。我是个喜欢交易的人。是的,我能我能在十分钟内搞定一笔一千万美元的生意。我可以知道这是我想追求的东西,还是我不想追求的东西。 And there’s no amount of organization or checklists or software that I can, you know, spend gobs of time hours, you know, inputting stuff to just come up with the same result. I know that I can do it very, very quickly. And so I don’t overcomplicate my life by trying to over system systemize my life and my business, I do what’s necessary for my team and myself to be productive and know more,



它有它的地位,但我认为它弊大于利。我同意。原因是我认为大多数人,尤其是年轻的企业家,他们没有很多,你知道,他们没有几年或几十年的经验,你知道,我从10岁就开始创业了。现在我已经22岁了,作为一个企业家,我已经23年了。我也学到了很多。在那段时间里我学到了很多东西。我把这些教训转化为经验,转化为智慧和知识。我每天都在用它。我试着把它转化为成熟。是的,我认为这是最简单的词。 And I think it was Jim Rohn, I may be wrong, said that. Ambition, without intelligence is like a bird without wings. And I think that there’s so many young entrepreneurs, and there’s so many self help gurus, you know, the, the business coaches these days, that just try and pump people up, they artificially inflate enthusiasm, they artificially inflate motivation. And what they’re trying to sell is that if you’re really enthusiastic, and you’re really motivated, and you’re really inspired, then you’ll succeed. Well, that’s not really the case. Because unless you have the practical application of it, you can have all the enthusiasm in the world and that you know, you can be bouncing out of your skin on a moment by moment basis, so excited to go do something. But unless you have the level of sophistication, and the knowledge and the understanding to go execute it in an intelligent way, you’re just spinning your energy. Yep. And so I see a lot of young entrepreneurs get really, really hyped up and not making practical steps forward in their business and their life and their career and their finances and their balance sheet and their net worth. Because they’re tied up with the enthusiasm. They think that the next moment or within the next day or the next week, or the next month, they’re going to get a grain of wisdom that is going to turn them into a millionaire. And that’s just not how it works. It’s wisdom. It’s knowledge, and that takes time and experience and it takes falling down and getting back up. And, you know, unless you’re waiting for lightning to strike and win the lottery. The practical application to success in business takes both ambition and dedication and focus but it also takes knowledge and wisdom and that’s built over time.


找到合适的书很重要。找到品质是很重要的,为什么,我的理念和其他人不同。所以,适合我的东西并不适合所有人,我发现更重要的是要不断地学习,不断地成长,不断地接受教育,积累知识,建立智慧基础。我认为有很多很棒的书都是这么做的。约翰·麦克斯韦尔,他写了一些很好的关于领导力的书还有很多很好的材料,包括我自己的书,是的,但是坐下来读书不会让你变得富有。坐下来读一本书不会让你成为一百万美元,真正能让你成为百万富翁的是根据你所掌握的信息采取行动,并继续增长你的实践经验和知识。我认为很多人很难理解的是这是唯一从书中得来的东西,对吧?是肤浅的知识,你有机会获得实用的知识,你知道,你可以付诸实践。但是如果你没有任何,如果你没有实践,如果你没有一个企业,或者一个系统,或者一组客户,或者一组,你知道,在我的情况下,投资者,或者一组交易,在我的情况下,如果你没有把你所学的东西实际应用,你很快就会失去它。所以有人会说,我想在我的余生每天读一本书,我想每周或每月读一本书,听着,我认为这很好,任何适合你的都可以。 But don’t spend all of your creative time or your downtime, or your free time reading a book to try and apply. Don’t spend all your working time reading books, so that you can try and apply it one day, spend your time taking action and working and growing your experience base, and then take the nuggets out of what you read and what’s important and and apply it practically.


我做的事。你知道,其中之一就是我有一间小屋,我们用他在犹他州山区的商业度假别墅。而且,你知道,我经常去那里。我认为另一件非常重要的事情是你需要安排你的商业思考时间,你需要安排你的时间,划出你的时间,战略性地思考或计划或,你知道,要有创造力,想出新的想法和想法,流程和程序,以及推动你的业务前进的方法。但它不应该占据你醒着的每一刻。对我来说就像很多企业家一样。这是一种挣扎。是的。因为我们对此充满热情。我们的身份在很大程度上是在做我们喜欢的事情的激情中,所以很难不一直想着它。 Yeah. So you know, one of the things that I do is I’ll go start a fire in the fire pit and I’ll sit there for hours and just poke at this fire and put on more logs. And, and it’s therapeutic for me and I don’t have to be thinking about business or anything else. Think taking time to unwind and not put the pressure on you to be thinking moment by moment, about your business and what you can be doing. I think that actually wears you down. I think it burns you out and I think you need that downtime, to let your body and your mind recover. One of the things that I like to do and it goes against a lot of you know, common practical principles is I love watching TV at night with those mindless programs not you know, Keeping Up With The Kardashians and that kind of garbage but, but I do watch enough TV for half an hour an hour to let my mind unwind and detached from the goings on in the day.






它周期性地发生。是的。我的意思是,即使只有一天,是的,即使到今天,它就发生了。有几个星期,在周四下午,我只是把叉子放在我身上,这是,你知道的,精神能量。那一周我不得不面对的压力,坦白说,太大了。然后,你知道的,你坚持下来,克服它。因为你的义务和你对人们的承诺,你在时间里工作,你保持你的正直,你知道,保持那种坚持不懈的模式。但有时你会说,看,今天是周四下午,这就是我做我所做的事情的原因。这样我周四下午就可以请假周一再来上班。是的,要花点时间让你的身体、思想、情绪和你的整个系统重新充电。 And get out of a familiar environment. One of the things that that’s difficult for me is, even though I’ve got a beautiful office is I am not creative here. Yeah, it’s claustrophobic for me, and this is my life. This is where I live, right? I’ve got a phone a computer, I get text messages and emails, and you know, this is my life in this office, I don’t get to go work outside and enjoy the beautiful weather here in Las Vegas. So it’s important for me to get out of my familiar zone as well, to recharge, yeah, because you can get stuck in that familiar environment and it becomes monotonous. And that’s important that you know, whenever something becomes monotonous, your creativity is done, you’re just going through the motions. And so, you know, once a quarter I take, I take our staff, and we go off site, and we do our little retreats and strategic planning and talking and thinking, and we always do it off site. And the reason why we do that is we don’t want it to be familiar. We don’t want the phone to ring and have us to answer the phone or we don’t want to have emails and computers and Printers and Faxes and all that kind of stuff within easy reach. You know, it’s a time for us to recharge and get out of the familiar. So it’s not monotonous.


是的,当然。而且,你知道,我们,即使我们说这是我的停机时间,这是我的休假时间,这是我的,你知道,放松的时间,没有什么,没有你可以关闭的开关,你总是会思考业务,思考业务,思考想法和客户,好的事情和坏的事情,问题,挑战和目标,没有开关可以关闭。所以记住这一点,尽最大努力分散自己的注意力,让自己不必专注于这些事情,这仍然很重要。你知道,从我20岁出头开始,我就一直在接受专业教练或教练项目的指导。我一直都有,你知道,我和一个外部教练交谈过,即使它不是一个受雇的教练,它是一个你认识的人,一个负责任的伙伴,没有更好的词来形容了。是的。所以我们要做的一件事就是让彼此负起责任,把手机留在家里或关掉手机。所以如果我们需要,它就在那里。但是有一些时间从技术中分离出来,不觉得每一刻都必须是富有成效的,我们需要每一秒都在电脑上。你知道,当我们到达机场飞行之前,我们需要工作,当我们在空中时我们需要工作和土地,我们需要直接进入我们的会议,我们处理这些东西在每天的基础上如此之多,我们需要一些时间来分离自己从技术,我们已经变得如此受制于是的,而且我认为这一原则的本身,它会感觉尴尬起初对大多数人来说,但关掉你的手机。 Yeah, it take a free day where you’re not tied to it. And you don’t have to be thinking about what’s going on or not going on and answering your emails and getting that phone call that upsets you, or whatever the situation may be. Well, I


绝对的。《特立独行的百万富翁》是我在2007年出版的第一本书。书名不是我的,是我的出版商写的。但是,你知道,它真正谈论的是实际的,而不是我的行业的细节。但这本书讲述了我是如何获得成功的,我是如何在很小的时候就变得富有的,找到合适的导师,和合适的人在一起,为成功而穿着,所有这些大多数人都没有真正考虑到的细微差别。这本书讲的都是小事,都是我在那之前用过的小原则,这些原则都是为了积累财富,建立当时的帝国。因此,你知道,这是一本很棒的书,适合年轻的企业家们我在2010年出版了这本书。成为不可思议的人是关于他们生活中有故事的人。这是关于失败的故事,关于“我不能”的故事,以及如何让自己度过难关的故事。我写这本书的时候,不仅是作为一个成功的人,你知道,在生命的早期,而且我自己也经历过。 Where, you know, there’s this entire world crashing around me, and trying to not be attached to the economy or the real estate market, or the difficulties and the challenges in life. And don’t let yourself buy into that story that you did it once. But you can never do it again. And, and that was really, really important for me to write that book as well. And it, it’s actually a workbook, believe it or not, it’s kind of funny how I create together. But you actually have to write out your story in the book. And you have to face the realities of what your own limitations are in your mind. And it’s a great exercise. I think it’s a great exercise for anybody.


是的,我在网站上,你想让他们看到我在Twitter上,在Facebook上,我鼓励每个人,尤其是那些想要建立资产负债表和积累财富的年轻人,在savant investments.com上查看我的公司。我们还有Savant report。com,大家可以在Savant report网站上注册,就是Savant。太棒了。你可以报名参加,我们讨论了投资世界中发生的一切,年轻人,老年人,富人和穷人。这是关于整个世界的。





嗯,那次面试真是太好了,我已经开始把它应用到我在办公室的日常工作中了。现在我希望你们和我一样喜欢这次采访。我很乐意。如果你想在推特上为乔丹呐喊,那就在推特上Jordan w IRSZ的Jordan weirs上打他。你可以在他的个人网站Jordan wears.com上找到他。当然,还有他的商业网站savant。我想再一次向我们在开发者之城的赞助商们大声欢呼。当然,你可以在powderkeg。c网站上找到所有的展览笔记,甚至你可以下载他们的pdf文本,这样你就可以随身携带,以后阅读。当然,你还可以在我们的其他节目中找到来自全国和世界各地的伟大商业领袖和投资者。如果你对我有反馈,请在推特上和我联系,我正在Hunckler,那就是H UNCK L E r。在那之前,我们下集见。

