
我穿过17万多名参加“梦想力量”的人群,找到了一间私人会议室,在那里我与他们面对面交流FinancialForce.com首席执行官兼总裁Jeremy Roche (@Jeremy_Roche).拥有超过20年的建立和领导公共和私营科技公司的经验,Jeremy带来了丰富的行政领导经验。118金博宝



在Jeremy Roche的这期节目中,你会学到:

  • Jeremy Roche如何进入“新兴的软件世界”和SaaS (4:44)
  • 如何从SaaS领导的角度平衡热情(9:16)
  • “人投”在实现你的目标中的重要性和实践(11:17)
  • 如何让自己置身于一个强大的团队中,这个团队的成员随时准备反对你的观点(13.47)
  • Salesforce和FinancialForce是如何走到一起的,以及他们是如何一起为两家企业带来利益的







Jeremy Roche在本期节目中提到的链接和资源:



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欢迎收听药桶播客,第二集由杰里米·罗奇主持,他是financial force的首席执行官兼总裁。我是主持人马特·亨克勒,verge的创始人兼首席执行官。verge是一个由科技企业家、投资者和顶尖人才组成的社区,在188金宝搏欢迎您硅谷以外发展高增长业务。在这期节目中,我的任务是与你们分享我与杰里米·罗奇对话中最精彩的部分。我知道你的时间和精力有限。我非常荣幸能在接下来的30到40分钟里与你们和我们的播客嘉宾一起度过,你们有自己的天赋和能力。我认为我的工作是向你们介绍指南和策略,帮助你们提高技能,同时在我们今天探索这些故事的时候学习一些新的技巧和技巧。本集由开发者小镇为您呈现,如果你是一名商业领袖,正试图将一个伟大的想法转化为具有吸引力的产品,dt就是为你准备的。Developer town的客户范围从企业家到《财富》100强公司,他们都想要开发和发布应用程序或数字产品,他们能够采用与早期公司合作的流程,帮助大公118金博宝司像初创公司一样发展。因此,如果你有一个网页或移动应用程序的想法,或者你只是需要帮助识别公司内部的好想法,请访问developer town.com/powderkeg。同样,这是开发人员town.com/powderkeg。 And stay tuned at the end of this episode, because we have an awesome interview with one of their clients, Scott Humphries, who’s going to talk a little bit about his own intrapreneurial adventure. And it actually relates perfectly to this conversation today. With Jeremy Roche, Jeremy has made so much progress in his career and has achieved so much I really enjoyed meeting with him face to face at Dreamforce. This year that Salesforce is big user conference. And what’s really cool about the way he built financial force, is that he actually built it on the Salesforce platform, which gave him a huge head start and an amazing partner as he grew and scaled his technology business. Now, we also talked about some other unique things to Jeremy’s leadership style, including some things like goal setting, a process that he calls people casting, and I think you’re really going to enjoy just how genuine and authentic Jeremy is, because he is not your traditional big tech company CEO. It really shows and the way that he has this conversation and the way he leads his team. So let’s get this thing started. Here’s Jeremy Roche. We are here in Dreamforce, 2015. And a lot of exciting announcements happening a lot of excitement. Obviously, financial force is a big part of that ecosystem. I’m particularly interested in to talk to you, because it’s clear that you have a lot of executive skills and a lot of executive experience, you know, having IPO to companies in Europe, having bought sold companies. And now you know, having gone from 2010 with only about 20 employees to now present day over 600 employees. I know you just announced another fundraising round of what was 150 110 110? Only 110. Yeah, that that is amazing the amount of growth that you’ve had. But what I want to do is take it back to the early days, because I know you mentioned that you didn’t get your start necessarily in in the business world in the classical sense of executive training. Can you can you maybe take me all the way back to your first real career or job because you use the word earlier, unemployable? And I would say that you probably highly employable, but you’ve just never tried. Yeah, it just never tried. Exactly. You haven’t really had to do the whole interview thing since back in early 90s. Maybe? Yeah. So talk to me about that. What was your first job where you got a taste of sort of this entrepreneurial world?



是的。一部分是训练出来的,一部分是学来的,因为我们,我们就在最前沿。有手册教你如何,你知道,如何把这些东西组装起来,但是手册这个词是教你如何去找客户,取他们想做的东西,然后让它在这个世界上工作,在这个世界上,人们从绿色屏幕到他们的第一个有处理功能的桌面设备。对吧?是的。就在那时,我迷上了科技。好的。你知道,你能看到的是技术将会经历一个巨大的转变,你知道,在那个时候?是的,我无法预测这将是一个多么巨大的转变。但我知道我看到的东西将成为未来的一部分。 And I was what I was doing that was actually a colleague said to me, before you tie yourself into into a career in the big companies, why don’t you take a look at what people are doing in this new world of software? Yeah. For software, you know, I’m only ever done hardware. So it was intriguing to you? Or was it almost a turn off? Like, why would I? Why would I touch software, when I’m what it was intriguing, intriguing, because you could see that hardware had been all important. You know, you know, when I grew up, we had, you know, Commodore 64, or, you know, we could play Pong on a, you could see the hardware started it out. But then what were people going to do with hardware? You know, where was it going to go? And then you can see what people need applications, you know, applications are going to be the future, you can just see because as as processing power was being passed out, from the mainframe to the mini computers, and the PCs, software was just becoming more important. Yeah. So I taught my first job in in software, and I went into marketing and sales. Oh, no kidding. Yeah. So because I can’t program? Well, you know, I’ve had a go. But I’m not a good programmer.






是的。所以我认为有,有不同层次的管理。第一件事是,你知道,当我们聊天之前,我对你说,你知道,商业是关于人的。是的。好的。所以对我来说,最重要的衡量标准之一就是顾客。所以,我每天大部分时间都在和客户和潜在客户坐在一起,听他们的故事。我们在周一举行活动,我们举办我们所谓的社区日,这就像我们的客户小组,好吧,但我们作为社区来做188金宝搏欢迎您,所以我们的客户主导,我们倾听,我们帮助我们谈话,他们给你很大的衡量标准,你知道,你为我们交付了吗?你兑现承诺了吗,兑现了吗?这些都是定性的吗? We do it qualitatively and quantitatively, okay? Because I think both are important, right? Because you want to take measurements, so every time we answer a helpdesk call, we’ll fire out and say, give us a mark on how we did it. Yeah. Every time we win or lose a deal, we analyze it, but you can’t Don’t just have quantitative data, you need the narrative as well. So I’m a big believer in reading narrative and listening to narrative. Because if you listen, that’s what allows a customer or an employee or a partner to, to interact with you. Yeah. Then the other part of enthusiasm, I think, you know, I think Sandy will attest, I like to set lofty goals for everyone. And I think you need to set lofty goals, because otherwise, you’re not going to reach them. Yeah.

举一个崇高目标的例子。你最近的财务目标是什么?当我们去年定下目标时,我们给自己定下的任务是员工人数翻一番。这是整个行业的投资吗?当你们设定这个目标的时候有多少人,我们设定的目标是在2014年初达到202 120 230人?是的。这一年我们只有将近500人。


正确的。所以我们有个计划,对吧?因为计划是以人为基础的。所以在资金方面,我们做了这个叫做人投。好的,你有了天气预报,还有演员阵容,就像这样。所以,为了为企业设定数字,你要设定目标,然后有两件事可以让你实现它。有数学概率和物理概率。好的。物理概率是这样的,我能赢得足够多的交易吗?我能照顾我的顾客吗? can I implement enough? How do I actually make sure that happens? And you can’t win every deal? Right? So you can’t, you can’t control all of those factors. But you can control your mathematical problem, your probability, yeah. So if I’m going to achieve this number, there’s only so many leads, we can generate so many opportunities, we need so many people to close those deals, so many customers will come in then. So you need partners and financial force people to implement, okay, and then when you’re managing those many customers, you need Customer Success and Support, and everything else that goes beyond that. And to the side, you have to invest to build the product to allow you to achieve that stack. And that’s the mathematical probability. That’s the bit you can control. And then you can take that, and you can go and try and achieve your corporate goals out of that.




雇佣那些通过Bf投下的人,把他们投下的人,与预测相匹配。是的。这就像,这就是你能做的。我想你也提到过人们有一些不现实的崇高目标,对吧。在我职业生涯的早期,我有一个时刻,它给了我非常宝贵的一课。那时我在为我的一家公司经营产品和服务。我参加了一个回顾会议,看我们正在开发的一些新产品。我说,伙计们,我真的,我不能想象我们是如何得到解决方案的,我们必须所以所以我对团队说,伙计们,让我们后退一步。请带我回顾一下我们讨论这个解决方案的过程,因为我认为我们错过了一些东西,为什么你知道我们是如何想出这个解决方案的?每个人都很安静。 And so well, come on. There’s no blame here. What’s going on? They said, well, it was your idea. I said, Okay, great was my idea. So when I came up with that idea, did anyone think that it was maybe a bit of a strange idea? And somebody said, Yes, but you’re in charge. So we figured we better go do what you told us, taught me a very, very valuable lesson at that point, which is always making sure that everybody knows that, you know, I am not always right.




不,它一点也不庞大,也不吓人。好吧,所以第一个是任何人都不应该默默承受。好的。在我经营的任何企业里,寻求帮助从来不是软弱的表现。对吧?在我的世界里,这是力量的象征。是的。所以如果你要建立一个团队,你需要一个强大的团队,所有人都互相支持。好的,当然。我们的业务中有部门,因为我们已经达到了这样的规模。 Now. However, in financial force, the worst thing anyone can do is say it’s another departments problem. Okay. Our goal, and one of our corporate mantras is we will do great things as one team. So politics and department arguing is the stuff that old fashioned businesses do not not connected.




我见过,但在我经营的任何生意中都没有。这很好。因为我认为这不是经营企业的正确方式。是的。好的。政治扼杀企业。是的。绝对的。争论会毁了生意,人们一起工作,才会成就伟大的生意。所以我想说这些都是简单的规则。 And the other rules are management will make mistakes. Yeah. Okay. The trick is, when you make a mistake to recognize you’ve made it and fix it, not to try and brush it under the carpet, you can always learn something from from making a mistake. And the other rule is Jeremy’s not always right. So, I believe that anyone should be able to, to ask me, why are we doing this? And I should be able to explain it and discuss it with them. Yeah. Because if I can’t, they might have spotted something where we might be a little bit, you know, off the beaten track.



但我可以给你很多例子。是的,我会。我可以告诉你。我想我们我脑子里有个想法我们应该早点走向国际市场。我的管理团队说,嘿,杰里米,我们不是都同意我们要保持专注吗?保持专注是正确的选择吗?否则,我就会转移人们的精力。是的。我看到了一个机会,也许我们我认为我们应该抓住这个机会,但身边有坚强的人,他们会提醒你忠于自己的目标。是的。 You know, because having goals and sticking to them is really important.


所以我的目标是让每个为财务部门工作的人都成功?是的。这就是我这就是我的工作。是的。好的。确保客户成功。员工也很成功。好的。在我的世界里,如果我建立了一个成功的团队,由真正强大的人组成,这将提升财务实力。是的。 Okay. And it’s what allows it to succeed. So my goal permanently is to make sure that I’m supporting people is, you know, leading is sometimes an often about supporting the people around you. If you can make everyone on the team successful, that makes me successful. Sure. But it also means that people are bought into the tape. You know, if you’ve, if you probably see this in a lot of businesses, people move every two years, move jobs every two years. And if you’re if, you know, I remember when we were small, can’t afford to have people move every two years because you take a new employee on it’s going to take you what six months to get them fully productive. And then another six months to make up for that for six months, and then they might stay for another six months or 12 months, and then they move on to somewhere new. Yeah. So that’s not great investment for us as a business. It’s also not great investment for the employee, because every time they’re going back to to being on a on a ramp again. Yeah. Whereas if you can build careers with people and make them successful, that’s that’s what keeps people with a business.















公司的历史,我们实际上是我的前身,其中一个公司叫coda。好的。我们是英国的一家上市公司,我们专注于会计和财务管理系统。现在,有了这个业务,我们,因为我们专注于一个非常明确的业务领域,我们总是试图在每次技术更新时都出现业务。所以你知道,绿屏的世界,转向客户端服务器,转向网络,转向XML。事实上,我们开始观察Salesforce在做什么。好的。Salesforce最初创建的,如果你还记得的话,它是按需调用的。所以我没有,对吧。云,如果你回滚云它之前是云,它是SAS。 Yeah. And before that it was on demand. That’s right, right. And even before that, even before the world of Salesforce, then there was the ASP world, the application service providers. So we’d watched Salesforce, and we were a customer of Salesforce, we’d watched Salesforce creating this category called on demand. And we thought, you can see just like back in my system, 38 days, you could see that on demand was going to be the technology that businesses would use in the future. Yeah, okay. It was the next incarnation.

所以我们想,我看不见。但是你可以看到,是的,因为他因为我说,是的。因为这就是我要说的。我的意思是,就像,你知道,即使在今天,物联网即将到来的下一年,自然和技术总是会发生变化。这就是,这就是让我充满活力的原因。对吧?是的。所以我们决定未来将是按需的。我们一直在努力,想办法到达那里。作为一个小团队,我们一起工作,我们的目标是把它从营销中分离出来。 And Liz said, Look, I’m fed up of talking about this, I’m gonna go into Salesforce. What they think we should do so. Okay, so. So Liz went out the meeting picked up the phone rang Salesforce and said, Hey, any chance that you’ll you give us some pointers as to how to do this on demand stuff? Yeah. Because at that time, you couldn’t go out and buy those skills in the market? Sure. Yeah. We were trying to work out how we were going to build a multi tenant engine. And we’d never done it before. Yeah, there were no courses on no courses you couldn’t. So Salesforce, surprisingly said, Yeah, sure. You know, send a team to San Francisco, and we’ll give you what they called on demand. 101. Wow. Yeah, they were smaller in those days. What years? 2000? It was early 2007. Okay. Back in 2006, early 2007. Yeah. So we sent a team. And Salesforce, white boarded it all up for us. And after they done that, we’ve written it all down. After they’re done that they said, but do you really want to build this platform? And we said, Well, no, we don’t want to build a platform. But how are we going to build this product otherwise? And they showed us then what was to become the basis of the Salesforce platform? And said, Hey, could you build on this? And so we tried, we did a prototype, we tried to build what is at the heart of the financial force accounting system. So if you’re not an accountant, this isn’t going to mean much. But the heart of heart of it is a double entry bookkeeping system, okay, which is very transactional. So debits always equal credits. Yep. Salesforce, his platform was built for CRM, and it wouldn’t do it. So Salesforce said to us, hey, well, if you tell us what it’ll take, so you can build if we commit to do that, will you commit to build on the platform? And that’s how we started our relationship with Salesforce. Okay. Financial force came?


对,我们来做点别的,这可能会更简单,对吧?因为这样你就不用依赖其他团队了。在某些方面。本来很容易的是的。跟我说说你怎么想的,怎么想的。我们看着Salesforce的眼睛,我们看着他们在做什么,我们看着这些人在做什么。我们跟帕克·哈里斯和史蒂夫·费舍尔谈过了。这些人很清楚他们很清楚自己在做什么。现在,他们从自己的世界中理解它,那就是开发面向客户的应用程序。传统上,我们的工作是开发后台办公应用程序。 Yeah. Okay. So they the difference there was what style of application you’re building. But they were prepared to listen to what we wanted, because they wanted to build a platform that would support any sort of applications. So they were prepared to listen to us. And we could see something in this platform. And there’s a couple of things we could say. The first was that it had the potential to be a world beating platform. Okay. Potential potential. Okay. And so what we were wrestling in our minds was, and me from, you know, leading the company at that point, yeah. Am I prepared to, you know, to take that risk. And we evaluated it as a team. And, you know, I looked at it very hard. And I actually worked out that, although it looked risky, we were actually minimizing our risk by going down this route, providing salesforce dot with its commitments. So we sat down with Salesforce and gotten them to commit hard that they will deliver for us. And what that did effect essentially is it allowed us to start building application a lot faster. We, you know, we look at what we use from Salesforce, we use Salesforce platform, database, the workflow engine chatter, you saw a bit of the keynote, you know, lightning wave, all those Salesforce technologies that they’re building We get to consume. Yeah. And we just saw that earlier, and then a lot of other companies. And we’re prepared to take a ride with Salesforce. And look at it now it’s gone pretty well. Yeah. Well,

我认为你必须,你知道,有时你需要,你需要根据事情的是非曲直来判断。有些人,包括一些行业分析师都认为我是史塔克家族的疯子。当我们提前宣布这件事时。是的。他们说,你知道,你在做什么,你放弃了对你的基础平台的控制?第二,我的观点是不管你开发了什么技术,如果你是一家科技公司,你就是在致力于一项技术吗?是的。你不能把所有的应用程序都捡起来放在别的地方,对吧?因为你已经承诺以某种方式使用这项技术。当然。 So in the case of Salesforce, we were committing to the the underlying technology, we just got a bit more we got a business logic layer. Yeah. So what’s the difference really. And it allowed us then the thing that’s made financial force, financial force and allowed us to really emerge with the applications we wanted to build, is we took our back office, and we built it on a front office. So if you think about Salesforce front office, our apps are embedded right in the middle of it, which means that we don’t have a back office anymore. It’s all front office. Everything we do can be focused around a customer. So you know, that true view of a customer right from, I’ve sold them something, I’ve delivered it, I’ve done a project, I’ve done an invoice. I’ve collected the cash, all of that revolves around the customer. And that makes the Salesforce platform even more unique than the technology that underpins it. In my mind.






回忆起我们第一次的梦想力量哦,是的。当我们当我们发射时,我们有五个人站在台上。你知道,每年做一次演示,因为那是那是我们当时只是个小公司。是的。是的。现在我想,只有曼宁站在这里管理我们这里的建筑。因此,除去我们所有的销售团队,我们有超过200名财务人员积极地以这样或那样的方式为“梦想力量”工作。这很好,你知道,然后你回头看,说,我们是共享的。那五个人都还在这里。我们在分享照片。 Yeah, that’s great.


好吧,他们可以通过financial force。com网站。是的。我在推特上的Jeremy下划线Roche。我需要更多的追随者。


所以我最喜欢的是,我有一辆路虎。所以长轴距的车,我不认为他们真的我从来没见过。在北美,是的。哦,偶尔会看到轴距短的车。是的。路虎卫士。那是我的最爱。就像开卡车一样。好的。我有一辆阿斯顿马丁。 Nice and James Bond you’ve got when you got a holster without British heritage somewhere close





我喜欢他对透明的关注,尤其是作为一个领导者,只是,你知道,看着你周围的人透明,有时是残酷的,你知道,对什么进展顺利,什么不顺利非常诚实。这让我想起了我们和Scott谈话的时候,我们和他一起工作的时候,Scott Humphries,他是江森自控内部初创公司的项目负责人。非常非常非常大的公司。他在他在一家内部创业公司帮忙领导工作。我们在上一集见过他。这是正确的。是的。斯科特也是这样。这是,我在做什么?那么,哪里不顺利呢? How can we improve like, he’s, he’s great, which is what you really need when you’re trying to do something as ambitious as really run a startup inside of a large company.





很高兴听到开发商小镇的客户,江森自控公司的Scott Humphries的谈话,很高兴听到开发商小镇如何与江森自控这样的大公司合作,帮助他们像创业公司一样发展,这与我们与Jeremy Roche的谈话完全吻合。118金博宝所以,如果你是大公司的一名企业家,或者是初创公司的一名企业家,有一个关于网页或移动应用程序的想法,请访问developer town.com/powderkeg。来看看吧,在推特和Instagram上给我留言,告诉我你查看了开发者小镇的链接。我们喜欢那些人,当然,在所有的社交渠道上,我在Hunckler上。所以你可以在那里找到我。这是胡NCKLE r。当然,你可以在verge总部找到我们。所以verge,这家生产“火药桶”的公司是我365天24小时全天候致力于开展这项运动的公司,你们这些了不起的听众都在那里,你们来参加我们的活动,通过我们所有不同的渠道得到曝光,当我们在硅谷之外建立科技公司时,他们与我们一起学习。118金博宝我们在这里建立的东西真的很令人兴奋,我很高兴你今天能花点时间和我们在一起,更多地了解Jeremy Roche以及他领导公司的方式。你当然可以在Jeremy的社交媒体上找到他,强调罗奇在推特上似乎相当活跃。所以一定要给他们留个便条。 Let them know that you listen to the podcast. And then please drop us a review or drop us a note. Let us know what interviews you want to hear more of What you’d like to explore in the next episodes or the next wave of episodes, and of course, go check out the verge VIP newsletter, you’ll get exclusive event invites global exposure opportunities and curated education. So sign up for free at verge hq.com/powderkeg and join the movement. I’ll see you in the next episode.

