

Gabriel Weinberg这位千禧一代企业家取得了不可思议的成就,在谷歌自己的游戏中挑战谷歌,并幸存下来。他将向你展示如何做到这一点。加布里埃尔是这家搜索引擎新贵的联合创始人DuckDuckGo提供一个谷歌的替代方案,而且不会侵犯你的隐私。该公司从一个社区网站上的非正式发布,发展成为Firefox和Safari上的热门搜索引擎选项188金宝搏欢迎您,2015年处理了超过30亿次搜索,收入达数百万美元。






  • 加布里尔·温伯格最初是如何测试在谷歌和必应等大型搜索引擎占据市场主导地位的情况下,人们对DuckDuckGo这样的服务是否有需求的。(45)
  • “牵引力”这个概念在商业、营销和增长黑客中是一个流行词。(6:37)
  • 如何应用“靶心框架”,使您能够实现爆炸性的客户增长。(9:56)
  • 逐步确定19个营销渠道中的哪一个将帮助你获得牵引力。(15)
  • 一家小型创业公司如何通过发现并解决搜索引擎用户遇到的特定痛点,发展成为一家价值数百万美元的公司。(中午)








  • 典型企业家:DuckDuckGo联合创始人加布里埃尔·温伯格@yegg中页面

















连续创业家和DuckDuckGo的创始人温伯格说。温伯格是《牵引》一书的作者,《获得客户的创业指南》是我最喜欢的书之一。我经常引用它。它实际上已经成为了一个领域手册,可以说,对于世界各地的科技企业家、增长黑客和营销人员来说。我的意思是,这个框架已经被维基百科的Jimmy Wales, Reddit的Alexis Ohanian和kayak.com的Paul English等创始人使用过。他们用这些策略建立了一些世界上最大的公司和组织。118金博宝接下来是“点燃创业公司的火药桶”,每周,我们都会分享硅谷以外的创新、领导力和技术的不为人知的故事。本集《火药桶》由开发者小镇为您呈现。当我们几周前推出这个播客时,我们甚至不打算找赞助商。但考虑到开发者小镇所做的事情,以及他们与其他初创公司和大型公司所做的事情,这对我们来说是显而易见的。118金博宝 As we were looking to launch this podcast, developer town helps companies turn great ideas into products with traction. Just take Tim Forrester, for example. He is at a water consulting firm out of Illinois called a BW CSI. And a few years ago, they had an idea,

我们开发的应用程序,我的意思是,我们只是在业余时间匆匆完成了它,就像它成为了一个主要的倡议。但令人印象深刻的是市场上的巨大需求。就像,哇,好吧,我觉得这就是吸引人的地方。当我们找到他时,开发人员的语气是,嘿,听着,这个想法是合法的,因为我们已经卖出了价值六位数的软件。但我们遇到了一个问题,我们所做的基本上是自定义重新设计,每次对于每个客户,都必须有更好的方法来做到这一点,无论是在技术方面,还是主要在业务方面。我们,开发人员,我自己,我们坐下来,说,你知道,我们做这个的方式不是伟大软件的构建方式。说实话,我们不知道伟大的软件是如何构建出来的。我的意思是,我们可能知道,如何构建软件的技术细节。但我们没有,我们从来没有经营过软件业务的人从来没有创办过软件公司。所以我们意识到,如果这不仅仅是一个副业项目,如果我们真的想要推出这个项目,就必须以正确的方式来做。 And it’s probably got to be in the cloud. And it probably has to be rebuilt from scratch and just kind of reimagined. And now that we really understand all the needs all the pitfalls, we should start from scratch, knowing all these things, and re architected from the ground up. So we’re like, we need to partner with somebody who’s done this before, and who understands this business who under who can show us the business of starting a software company, long story, but we ended up hooking up with developer town, and the rest is history.

关于本文的其余内容,请访问开发人员酒桶开发人员小镇是一个词,火药桶是一个词。再次重申,这是developer keg更多信息,开发者小镇,开始一些东西。加布里埃尔·温伯格是DuckDuckGo的创始人兼首席执行官,DuckDuckGo是一个不跟踪你或你的个人数据的互联网搜索引擎。在一个由谷歌和雅虎这样的巨人主导的行业里。DuckDuckGo每年进行超过30亿次搜索。你可以在雅格的推特上找到加百列。这是在EY E, G, G, G,但他也是一个多产的作家在流行的博客平台媒体。他在AngelList上也相当活跃,他对这些创新驱动型公司进行了十多笔投资。118金博宝在这两个平台上,他都在yegy . g.g.与温伯格的对话是为你的业务或想法争取更多客户的大师级课程。今天,我和加布里埃尔聊了聊他的书《牵引力,获得客户的创业指南》中的最佳策略,我们深入探讨了他为什么决定与谷歌这样的大公司竞争,他是如何作为搜索引擎获得牵引力的,以及他为什么在宾夕法尼亚州费城发展他的科技公司。118金博宝 We don’t want to waste any time getting into it. And I know that there’s so much goodness in this interview. So it’s my pleasure to introduce Mr. Traction himself, Mr. Gabriel Weinberg, Matt Hunckler here and I’m with Gabriel Weinberg, who is the co founder of Duck Duck go and author of The Amazing book traction, Gabrielle, thanks for being here. You, Dude, I’m so stoked because you and I connected a couple of weeks ago in Philadelphia, which there’s an awesome startup community there in Philly. And you have grown an amazing company that has gotten beyond traction in such a magnificent sort of way. I’d love it. If you could kind of talk about the initial idea conception of Duck Duck go, what what was the problem that you’re trying to solve? And how did you know when you’d finally reach traction?

我的故事很奇怪,有点奇怪。它可能并不直接适用于每个人。但事实是,我在2006年卖掉了之前的公司。我不是特别喜欢那个产品,我对它不感兴趣。这也是我们卖掉它的原因之一。所以我意识到,无论我接下来想做什么,我都想做很长时间,喜欢或能够做很长时间,因为我对十年的事情都很感兴趣。当我头脑风暴的时候。我发现,至少对我自己来说,很难评估创始人的市场契合度,他们可能会说,是的,所以我真的开始了一堆兼职项目,像,像十几个,像很多不同的事情。是2006年到2008年的两年时间吗?我尝试了很多东西,我认为可行的和我感兴趣的,也不一定是商业想法。 Just you know, things


是的,访谈节目,我开始了。更像是电视节目。即使是实体电视,我也创建了meetup.com的竞争对手crypto Matic


我用了很多这些都是出于挫折,比如我搬到费城,我对聚会的经历有点沮丧。所以我就想,我也要搞砸我自己的。是的。但其中三个项目最终都与搜索相关。其中两个,是在改善我自己的谷歌结果,这在当时有点悲伤,不满意,就在2007年,删除垃圾邮件和内容农场,并在顶部添加即时答案。就像我一直在维基百科和IMDB上。我就想,为什么我要点击链接,你知道吗?第三个想法是随机的人在很多情况下有更好的链接通过问你,最好的创业博客是什么,你有一个更好的答案直到7点,或者至少我有,然后谷歌返回什么。这发生在很多类别上。所以我开始做不同的副业,大概做了一年左右,我退一步想,好吧,哪些是我真正感兴趣的? And the ones I was really attracted to were like data algorithms, that kind of stuff. And so I said, once you these are related, I’ll maybe I’ll try a search engine. At that point of consolidation. I was still doing several projects, but I decided to launch some of them. And so I launched DuckDuckGo, in a not real launch, like a launcher to Hacker News, just to see if there was like any demand there at all. So if there wasn’t demand, I probably would have stopped and did something else. But there, there was some demand. And so and I was excited by it. So I just kept going. I mean, that’s basically how it started.








你知道,我们的建议是,不管你在做什么,你应该定义一个明确的牵引目标,真正困难的你想什么,就像,当你开始工作的时候,通常是三件事之一,通常,你知道,快多少你需要筹集资金,或实际上需要多少盈利,或者你知道,它会对你有一定数量的现金,或多少牵引你需要证明自己,这是一个项目的价值追求,我的情况开始好转,我认为牵引目标通常被定义为公司的拐点。开始的时候通常是这三件事之一,之后可能是,你达到了可持续性,或者你有了某种市场份额数字,某种拐点。所以当我想到它的时候,我喜欢把它框定成一个你试图达到的特定点,然后说,好吧,现在我已经达到了那个目标。也就是说,我认为你可以说我在早期阶段就有了断裂的吸引力,基于可持续的产品参与。这就涉及到一个问题,你是否应该转向,很多人都会问这个问题。当人们问的时候,我问的人是,好吧,你有没有用户对你的产品高度投入?就像,他们真的很投入,我把他称为亮点,你知道,就像,你可以看看你的部分用户群,然后说,好吧,这些人真的很了解,即使只有一小部分这样的人,我认为你可以建立在一点点的吸引力上。因为你可以说,好吧,这些人是异常值吗?那里有市场吗,也许有利基市场,我可以扩展。 If you don’t have any engaged users, then I would say you have no traction. And maybe you should consider pivoting or you haven’t clicked your product match, maybe we need to tweak the product or the messaging. So I do think there is a binary point. But I think that binary point is more around pivoting and less around what people normally mean, which is I have enough traction to raise money or you know, or do something significant in a market.


是的。所以在书中,你知道,我们提出了一个框架,叫做靶心框架,思想是通过找到一个牵引通道,让你达到目标,来击中靶心。有19种不同的营销渠道。比如搜索引擎优化,AdWords,演讲活动和贸易展览,实际上有90种,然后我们认为这是你可以做的事情来获得牵引力。但我们发现,一般来说,当一家创业公司起步时,它的核心战略是有效的。现在,可能还有其他渠道可以满足这个核心战略。但他们只专注于一件事,比如病毒式营销、电子邮件营销或内容营销。我们的目标是框架是什么找出这些渠道中的哪一个,你知道,我们真的建议,因为你不知道它是什么渠道,你必须有一些结构化的方法来找出那是什么渠道,这可能是我们的方法,但你应该采取一些结构化的方法。而通常人们会做的是尝试一下,尝试几件事,然后就放弃了我们的方法其实很简单,就是对所有九个关键渠道进行头脑风暴,因为你真的不知道哪一个最成功。你试着想出测试,你可以运行,我们提供了一堆a,然后你选择你最喜欢的三个测试,你认为最有可能工作的东西,然后你并行运行它们。 And they should take no longer than a month to really get some basic data on. And then if one of those is successful, you double down and focus on that as your core strategy. And then you focus on figuring out how to make that strategy. Get to your goal, if none of them work that you basically rerun the thing, like make sure your new brainstorm is still accurate, run some more tests, and then hopefully come up with a town that works.


是的,我们运行了这个,这是第六次迭代。我们实际上正处于第六次迭代的中间阶段。所以我们换了频道。这是我们第六次交换了。所以我们从SEO开始,而不是内容营销,首先是博客形式,然后是微型网站,然后我们转向Reddit上的社交广告。所以4chan,我们先在网上做PR,然后打印电视。然后我们转向了商业发展伙伴关系,最终进入了iPhone,戈斯博士就像一个选项,还有iPhone,还有Mozilla Firefox。现在我们又在重写整个实验,有了新的牵引目标和新的实验。这很重要,因为就像我们的新目标一样,我们每年进行大约30亿次搜索。但这也是一个难题。 Because to grow now we need to do like find another 3 million churches next year. So like, where do we find that? Those kinds of numbers, like everything that worked before, and those five iterations, no longer work? So like all the all tests have to be new at that new scale?


所以它们非常好。就像,我们可以得到一个很好的例子,上周,我们几乎是随机地在Reddit的顶部一整天,我为这本书做了这个ama。在里面,有人问我关于DuckDuckGo的事。如果它在赚钱,我说它是盈利的,我们之前说过,但是不,它不那么明显。有人发现了这件事,还做了新闻报道。所以当我把它贴出来的时候,我必须去看,然后给它称重,投票,它有大约7000分,它一直在Reddit的顶端,我看了一整天。这可能是你能得到的最好的内容营销。它根本没有移动我们的交通成员,你甚至看不到一个光点。那是三年前的事了,那简直太棒了。是啊,那就能改变局势了。 But now it does not,


19是很详尽的,我们可以试着把所有的都讲清楚。这就像宇宙一样,我们推荐。根据我们的经验,你知道,一次只能做三个,因为你不能做得很好。如果你做得更多,你真的必须仔细检查它们,直到找到有用的东西。这让我进行了大量的测试,这些测试可能会随着时间的推移改变你的产品或信息,但没有任何工作。但你得继续测试直到你直到你找到可行的方法。根据我们的经验。在过去,我们大概要运行6个数量级的项目,在我们遇到这个问题之前我们现在遇到的这个规模的问题是最难的,当你真的很小的时候,当你刚开始的时候,就像很多人一样,测试要简单得多。我们在123书中给出了例子,你可以在每个通道中运行。原因很简单。 Like when you’re starting now often you only need a few customers. And this is one thing people overlook. For example, speaking engagements often are an excellent channel for anyone starting out. Like if you go and speak in front of someplace the right audience, even in your local area, that might gives you your first few customers, most people overlook that completely. Because you know, it’s out of sight out of mind, or they don’t want public speaking or whatever. But that’s like a great challenge chest for early people. Like right now that won’t work at all for us. And so right now what we’re doing is we have to design completely different tests. So like what does we ran relatively recently was a billboard test, where we put up some billboards in different cities. And we saw whether there was any lift in those cities over time, as essentially. And so now we’re looking for doing it relatively localized, but experiment enough that we can see some uplift, and then measure what that uplift would be and see if that would actually could result in 3 billion searches if we scale. Our other challenge for us. And this goes to other people, when they get further along is cost per acquisition. So when you’re starting now, you’re only looking for 10 customers, even if you’re only going to make $5 off of them, you don’t care if it cost you $500 To give them often, because you’re just trying to get those first customers. But for us now we can’t we were looking for a separate my people start to go, we can’t overspend on that we don’t have an extra $50 million to acquire them, you know,

就吸引眼球而言,围绕你的初创公司或你的想法的品牌或信息有多重要?对吧?因为有时候这甚至不是必要的策略。如果你正在使用一种策略,但你没有定位或传递信息,对吧,你仍然无法击中牵引力点。你在书中提到了吗,尤其是像duck duck go这样的搜索引擎公司?你知道,大多数人在他们的脑海中都有一个事实上的搜索引擎,因为他们上网的时间比DuckDuckGo出现的时间还长。那么你如何在鸭子走的时候定位呢?从更广泛的意义上讲,为什么你的产品定位在获得吸引力方面很重要?

是的,这是一个临界点。这可能是我们试图理解的违反直觉的事情之一。我们建议人们在开始产品开发时就开始进行这些实验。原因是双重的。就好像我要回到你的消息点。所以如果你一开始把你的初创公司看作是一个漏水的桶,当你刚开始做产品的时候,你知道,它非常漏水,人们不会坚持下去。你把顾客倒在上面,他们就会流出来。所以人们认为我不应该这样做,我应该等到我得到它。好的,然后我发射。问题是人们从来没有正确地做过,因为他们太接近问题了。 And their beta customers are also too close, like their frame, with the beta version and their original messaging. And then when they get into the market, what generally happens is, it doesn’t resonate, they realize it’s not sticky, it’s still leaky, and they have to do multiple product development cycles. So if you run traction experiments, right from the beginning, you actually get fresh eyes, on your product right away. And continuously, you don’t spend a lot of money, but you need to get continually fresh eyes, you could actually identify where the leaks are. But by doing that, you actually get the scope of your messaging point, you get to test other things. So you get to test not only what channel because he doesn’t even channels, what channel might work for you. But you test what messaging, you test, different messaging, and you test different niches. And if you do this correctly, what you hone in on is what niche you should launch with, out of all the eventual market, what messaging is resonating most with that niche, and then what channel he is, which is if you have those three things up, that’s a credible distribution strategy. If you do this, ideally, and you run attraction test, right from the beginning, when you actually go to launch, you have a product that’s sticky, and you know what niche to focus on, you know what channel to focus on, and you know what messaging works to actually get that to work. While you run these tests. You’re also testing the messaging, if you’re running social ads, and you’re testing and Facebook in there, while making several ads to test. You’re testing different messaging, you’re testing different targeting demographics. And as you’re running these tests, you’re realizing that oh, you know, I should initially focus on young people or, you know, people in urban areas, or, you know, they’re responding to this part of my product or that part of my product. And that should be influencing not only the messaging, but the actual product as you’re building.




所以有很多天然的。我的意思是,我犯的一个主要错误是,我没有这么多频道,大多数人一开始都没有。他们所做的就是应用他们之前知道的。我的上一家创业公司是通过病毒式营销和搜索引擎优化发展起来的。所以我们的搜索市场非常艰难,但我们并没有完全攻破这个市场。但我想,我可以让搜索引擎优化发挥作用。如果人们去谷歌和这种类型的新搜索引擎,他们可以得到duck duck go。所以我就这么做了。但它奏效了。我花了好几个月的时间。 But the volume just like did not have that. And the convergence didn’t add up. And so like when I sat back and said, what is my goal, like I was never going to reach that goal. So there were there were two mistakes there. One, I didn’t even set the goal, which is like the first mistake. Secondly, I just blindly used SEO, which was never going to get there anyway. But back to your other point. What I did do, right was, you know, I didn’t know what was going to work for DuckDuckGo. You know, what network messaging and what anything? And, and so I immediately after launch, just try lots of different tests that we’re discussing now try different SG one would this is also part of it would follow up with anyone who said they were using it and tried to understand why. And, you know, what would it take to get from the switch, which is our main activation definition? And from that, you know, I learned a lot. I mean, I learned initially, as you might expect, for search engines that the initial audience was really early adopter people who were kind of just satisfied with what aspect of Google or not kind of like myself, but I also came on to privacy that way as well. I mean, I was personally interested in it, but I didn’t see it as something that other people were interested in until I started, you know, doing this.




是的,我们采访了几十个创始人,基本上,他们的整个过程都是一样的,就像我们发现的那些成功的人一样,我们在各个渠道进行实验,然后找到一个有效的,然后专注于它。最后的两个不太直观的部分是,你知道,当人们尝试了很多不同的东西,他们有了一个好产品,通常所有这些东西都会产生一定的吸引力。所以我会说你尝试一些测试,你喜欢贸易展,一些Facebook广告,你做SEO,他们都很成功,因为你的产品贸易展对你来说是最有效的。是的,人们经常做的是继续做这三种活动。我们认为这是一个错误,因为有一项活动在定义上已经更好了,因为你在实验泡沫中搞砸了,但他们真的不是直觉的部分是公司真的很成功,在那个渠道中发现了未充分利用的策略。118金博宝他们能做到这一点的唯一方法就是创造性地进行测试,并使用他们的测试资源在该渠道内进行测试。一个很好的例子就是。好的,你想要放大,他们有一个最初的牵引目标,他们有一个非常量化的目标,在前六个月获得10万名注册用户。所以他做了一个很大的电子表格,列出了所有这些不同的渠道想法,然后,你知道,选择了他最好的,以及为什么,然后用小方法测试它们。他们是一个公关和目标博客,还有SEM,他在那里做了三个频道。 And he found that, you know, targeting blogs initially was their best strategy. So what he did was drop everything else, even though the other ones were somewhat successful. And then really ran tests with in targeting blogs to find out if you can uncover interesting things. And they ended up coming up with two strategies that really worked for them. One was this like velvet rope strategy, which they were one of the first people to do, which is like you get early access, and extra, you know, access if you invite other people. And you can jump the line. And to they paid personal bloggers to put ads up on their site that didn’t have any advertisement before. So they kind of reached out and they got really cheap advertising, and very high click through rates, because these blogs didn’t have any ads before. And even within those strategies they innovated to make them the most efficient. And they work like perfectly well, I got the first 40,000 users there. And I want to max out they actually ran this again, and they switched over to PR. But I don’t think that they could have done it that well, if they were trying all these different marketing activities. Like I think it only worked because they said we’re getting we identify the targeting blogs could get us to the goal, we’re going to focus on it and figure out how to really scale that channel.


我2006年搬到这里。我认为这是很多创业社区的一个案例,你知道,前三名或其他。生活方式是我们搬来这里的一个重要原因。这是一个居住的好地方。它是负担得起的。特别是费城,它还有一些其他的特性,使它对企业具有吸引力。所以,你知道,从纽约到费城的华盛顿特区有一天的车程,特别是有很多医疗保健和其他财富500强公司。118金博宝所以,本质上,如果你在一天内出售一个b2b公司,理想情况下,你几乎可以击中所有东西。这和很多城市一样,但它没有泡沫,就像纽约和旧金山。如果你要建立一个像我们这样的消费者公司,就像,你只是沉浸在常态之中,如果你愿意的话,你很容易不相信自己的炒作,因为你周围的人都不知道你在做什么。 It’s one thing I really like about it. And then also probably like other communities, it’s very small community, like, filling up is a really big city. So like, it’s like fifth or sixth graders in the country, with tons of universities here and stuff like that. But the startup community feels very small in the sense that, you know, you can get anyone on the phone very easily investors very easy to access and talk to. And so I just enjoyed being a part of it.



非常感谢,Gabrielle。今天的火药桶节目就到这里。点燃创业。一定要跟着Gabriel在ye, G, G,那是在YEG。在推特上,让他知道你喜欢这集的什么。如果你有后续问题,请告诉他。我知道他很想回馈那些创业者和创业者,帮助他们发展自己的公司。118金博宝所以一定要联系他,看看他的网站Duck Duck,神奇的搜索引擎会给你强大的结果。没有谷歌和雅虎那种奇怪的追踪。所以如果你喜欢,一定要看看Duck Duck go,你可以在我们的网站上获得完整的节目笔记和文本,powder keg dot c。哦,这是powder。 And just a little reminder that Powder Keg is presented by verge a network of local communities with global reach for tech entrepreneurs, investors and top talent growing companies beyond Silicon Valley, we’ve got a ton of free resources for starting or growing your business on our website at verge We also host several events every month, all around the country, and actually worldwide now, so check us out, see where we are, maybe we can link up in person. So again, that’s verge, you can subscribe to the newsletter there for free to get updates on where we’re going to be. And some of the cool new resources that we’re releasing literally every week right now. You can also always find me on Twitter, I’m just at Hunckler. And that’s at hunc K L E R, I appreciate all the feedback that you’ve been giving me all the kind words as well as constructive criticism always open to that as well. Let me know how I can help you or your business and how we can make this podcast better for you. I just want to say thanks. Before we close everything out. I want to say thank you to everyone who has helped share this podcast with other friends, family members or co workers. And thanks to everyone who has left us a review this past week and subscribed on iTunes. Just want to give a quick shout out to users Ryan Carmen and JB Rapp who recently left us thoughtful five star reviews. You can leave us your honest review by using this link And give us a subscribe while you’re at it. And we’ll be forever indebted to you. Because it’s your reviews, your subscriptions and the feedback that helped us get better and reach more people. So thank you. Thank you. Thank you. We’ve got some crazy awesome guests like Jay Baer from convincing convert Karen Norman from upfront ventures, Brian Clark from Copyblogger. All coming up soon on powderkeg igniting startups

