
Morgan Ingram是一位销售专家,曾三次获得领英最佳销售声音。在我们上次的Powderkeg Unvalley活动上,他为任何人如何在新的销售世界中脱颖而出提供了一些可行的建议。





  1. 如果你要进行电话推销,用音乐让自己进入正确的精神状态。
  2. 记住,你打陌生电话的人不会来找你(你必须去找)他们).
  3. 了解你的销售对象,研究他们的行为。

通过坚持不懈的行动,学习了这三个销售技巧,英格拉姆被提升为销售经理,领导着一个13人的团队。这帮助他找到了一份与约翰·巴罗斯(John Barrows)合作培训销售人员的工作,后者曾与Salesforce、Slack和谷歌等公司合作。118金博宝

想从摩根·英格拉姆和他丰富的现代销售经验中学到更多吗?请加入我们5月19日至20日的Powderkeg Unvalley,届时他将作为演讲者回归。今天回复!



是的,太好了。我的意思是,你能遇到那些关键的导师真是太棒了,在人生旅途的早期,他们帮助你走上了正确的道路。是啊,当然,皮特,但是,那个让你坐下来的主管让你放松的人,那个让你在击球时放松的人,可以这么说,在击球时你能与球联系起来的人。是的。一旦你做了一次,你就知道你还能再做一次。这是个很好的建议。我认为分享这些帮助了很多在谈话中感到紧张的人。是的。如果他们正在面试一份工作,他们需要控制一下自己的紧张情绪。你会对他们说什么? As someone who’s talked to a lot of people who are in much tougher conversations, right, where you’re cold, calling people who aren’t necessarily even planning on talking to you? Yeah. Do you have any advice for people to kind of calm their new nerves and what sort of state of mind to be in for those conversations?

是的,我做的。所以它直接进入了下一段旅程。所以在前三个月,当我是特别提款权的时候,我一点也不擅长。我真的很糟糕。所以我找不到我的系统、流程或我的FOMO是什么,我非常依赖我的社交销售知识,但我不依赖电子邮件和陌生电话,我忽略了它。因为我觉得,我并不需要它,当一天结束的时候回想起来,我不明白为什么我会那么想。所以我要告诉你们的是我是如何适应陌生电话的以及我是如何建议其他人适应陌生电话的以及他们是如何得到结果的这都是关于你应该做什么?在你打电话之前,不是在电话中,而是在之前,这很重要。这里有几件事你可以做。首先,在你开始陌生电话之前,你需要先听一些类型的歌曲。 Now here, this is the reason for this. This isn’t random. It’s not saying Hey, guys, let’s go rageous No, there’s a reason why I’m telling you to go play music. So I don’t know how many people in here have played sports or listening in. But the sport I’m gonna lean on is baseball. So if you play baseball or watch baseball, you know what I’m talking about. So before they get up to the plate, they have a salt walk up song. Yep. That song goal is to get your mind to be like, Alright, I’m coming up to bat. It’s it’s my time. So you need to do the same thing with cold calling to be like, hey, it’s my time to call let me get focused. Let me get locked in. So you need to figure out what that song is. Again, I don’t not gonna tell you what song to pick.



哦,所以所以我的歌是对的,实际上,它是变化的,对吗?因为我可以选不同的歌。但现在是特拉维斯·斯科特观星,这是我的歌。就像,那是我的好吧,我需要集中注意力。好吧,它曾经曾经很长一段时间,米克·米尔的梦想和噩梦。所以我的意思是,就像,就像,经典,对吧?是的。但问题是,我现在就像特拉维斯·斯科特。但问题是,我知道什么时候该根据自己的感受来改变。你也得弄清楚这一点。 And I would say number two, is you have to also realize that these people that you’re calling are not going to come after you. They’re not gonna they’re all mad that calls suck, and they’re gonna fly to your office.




是的,当然。然后四舍五入,对吧?因为你说过我们怎么去找销售培训师。一旦我成为特别提款权经理,我就升职了。一年之后,我做了13次,顺便说一下,如果你是一个经理,就像我说的,上限是8次,一旦超过8次,就会变得非常困难。我只是,我只是想让你知道。我不是13岁。我想,有很多人。这只是一个旁注。当我成功了之后,我在那里工作了一年,约翰·巴罗斯找到我,如果你之前没听说过他,他在过去的12年里一直在做销售培训。 And he’s trained companies as big as Salesforce, Slack, Google, all those people all the way down to startups that are just starting. And so he approached me to come in and be a trainer, I had no intentions of ever being a sales trainer. It was not on my radar. But the way he stated to me made sense. He was like, Hey, you have to actively prospect actively sell and do the training. I wanted to learn more about selling and getting better at that skill set. So I was like, absolutely, let’s do it. And also have someone who’s been doing this for a while to be as a mentor. And also we’ve grown to be friends at this point as well. So that’s how I got into this sales training sales coaching world. And I’ve been doing that for the past three years. So I’ve trained Glassdoor snowflake, you guys probably saw that IPO recently. I got into there. Also Google, I’ve trained them, Slack, Salesforce, my body, all those different type of organizations.




这是有意义的。所以我的意思是,第一,我最近一直在谈论这个,它真的击中了我交谈过的人的要害,我想在这里谈论的是一致的执行。我相信这是有执行力的,对吧,就像,你会去做某件事基于你被给予的任何东西,对吧?公式、过程或系统但是人们犯错误的地方在于他们没有坚持做。他们会做两天,然后就会说,哦,是的,我感觉很好。然后就像,好吧,但这一年剩下的时间呢,对,不管怎样,接下来的五年,对。所以我认为一贯的执行是一个巨大的错误。第二连接和球场,这是一个巨大的错误是你联系你复制粘贴的人一个巨大的小说,也不是相关,当有LinkedIn语音信息,有视频,你可以做,,有方法可以脱颖而出,不仅派人,一整块的文本,对,就像有一个相关的理由你为什么要再次伸出,上下文,可以在网站上你看到的东西,你看到了LinkedIn,你在推特上看到的东西,比如,我不知道,但重要的是,你必须准备好这些信息。 Otherwise, you’re going to be sitting there and be like the other reps and make that mistake. So when you’re looking to connect with people, there’s the Connect, and then immediately pitching someone is not going to be helpful. And I think number three, a mistake that people make. And it goes with number one is that you’re everyone’s looking for a golden template, or the magic formula on how to do this. And I and the thing is like, across all organizations that I’ve worked with, and then also just with reps in general, like there are going to be people who look for the silver bullet and the magic formula. And the thing is, like, there is not one, there is no golden template that’s out there that’s gonna help you convert, at the end of the day, a lot of it has to do with, do you have a formula, and then are you going to be willing to put in the work, right for number one, consistently to see results. And those are three things right off the bat that I see that lead into people not converting the way they need to convert, because a lot of it has to do consistently see a lot of it has to do with, Hey, are you being relevant and personalized, and really standing out because if you’re doing what everyone else is doing, then it’s going to end up being where you’re going to be like everyone else and not get the engagement you’re looking for.



